This is done now

A true test of skill is winning with the lowest winrate heroes. Winning with statistically powerful heroes is nothing but an exercise in proving that its a no skill hero that anyone can use, taking down the biggest badasses in the world with nothing but a pile of poop you found on the bottom of your shoe, that takes actual skill.
According to overbuff, at GM the weakest heroes are Mccree, Hog and Moira. Weakest meaning the least capable of winning. My money goes on them being the heroes that require the most skill to perform well with.

skilled hero = anyone you use
Unskilled hero = anyone who kills you


The problem is your definition of “skill.” What classifies as “skill” in the game?

There’s a lot of attributes that go towards what wins the game. Teamwork, positioning, game awareness, decision-making, high risk plays, reaction time, etc.

A lot of people in threads like these just seem to define “aim” as the only skill. High aim-based heroes can be more difficult to play because if you don’t have good aim, then their performance drops to the point where other attributes get overvalued because ultimately it doesn’t matter how good your positioning is as Widowmaker if you miss most of your shots.

But there’s still clearly a vast difference between how a Bronze and Grandmaster player performs on any hero, even if it’s an “aimless” hero. And if the heroes were truly that easy to play, why don’t players just pick them and climb to Grandmaster?

In my opinion, it’s a good thing that the game has heroes with different entry levels. That there’s heroes that aren’t as aim-based as others. Because part of Overwatch’s huge success is the fact that it has drawn a massive player base, in which the key lies that even non-FPS players can enjoy the game.

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Good post.

Aiming is just part of what dicates how successful you are at doing what you’re trying to do. If you have amazing accuracy, but you play a “skillless” character, you’ve lost nothing. That doesnt mean you cant aim anymore, or that you’re wasting your abilities - it just means you have the ability to play more than just aim based DPS characters, and you can flex to fill out what the team needs without your ego getting in the way.

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I feel like most ppl are missing the bigger picture.
There are heroes who are easier to use but here is the thing: the game is build around swapping and counters.

Example: Junkrat may be easy but he is worthless against pharah.
Every hero is build around dealing with a specific issue so just judging the heroes around how much aim they require is just wrong.

if you are playing Tracer vs Brigitte and keep dying to her it is not really the hero’s fault but yours for not playing an optimal hero that can deal with her.

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Yup. You’re 100% right.

I’m sorry but WutFace?

No hero is skilless, it’s just that some require signigicantly less skill than others. (I also wouldn’t put Reaper in the low-skill catergory)

I used to main Mercy (back when I was on PS4) and now main Ana and Zen, both of whom I consider to be higher skilled heroes, more so Ana. But that’s why I find them fun. I love flicking to targets and getting those satifying right click dinks, or that clutch sleep. Holding left click to heal is just so boring imo.

Skill doesn’t matter honestly, because a lot of the time people won’t respect the impact of a “low skill” hero on a team and thus will actively ignore them. Then they wonder why they lost the game.

Low effort troll post, bud.

Ana - Fair
Dva - Arguable since she can shoot forever, but is a huge target. Good mobility, but noobs pretend she’s invincible. So, true, higher skill.
Doomfist - Sure
Genji - Agreed
Hanzo - LMAO. Hardly need to aim to consistently get 1k DPM with this OP clown.
Lucio - Yes
McCree - Yep
Mei - I’d say so
Orisa - Indeed
Roadhog - Especially now that he sucks.
Soldier 76 - Okay
Sombra - Sort of? Her changes make her way easier for everyone to pick up.
Symmetra - Kind of
Tracer - For sure
Widow - Duh
Wrecking Ball - I guess so.
Zarya - Super team dependent. But yes.
Zenyatta - Mmhmm

“Skilless” (has easier mechanics)

Bastion - Lol. Any decent Bastion needs to know how to be unpredictable and keep the other team guessing. Not so easy.
Brigitte - Fair.
Junkrat - I mean, he spams a lot, but it isn’t entirely mindless to get the most out of him and his kit.
Mercy - 100%
Moira - Eh, pretty much.
Pharah - Lolwut? I’m not sure I see more “She’s so skilless!” and “She’s so skillful!” posts about any other one hero in the game. Pharah is NOT easy to use.
Reaper - Depends on team comp. Reap or get reaped.
Reinhardt - Same as Reaper. He’s decently easy to use but you better learn how to aim firestrike, and hope your team groups up. Otherwise my boy’s Mr. Feed.
Torbjorn - Lol? Sure. Half his kit. He has the most difficult primary to aim in the game, at least from a distance. Easy mechanics my azz.
Winston - Sure. His cannon can lock onto a lot of people, but there’s way more to being a good Winston than that…?

1/10 horrid post.

Skilless vs. Skillful heroes isn’t a debate. It’s a matter of game intelligence/having experience playing all the heroes in the game for at least 10hr a piece (me.)

A VAST majority of heroes in this game require a decent but of skill. If it isn’t aim, it’s situational awareness, knowing when to and not to use ults, and stuff like that.

Wow, you put more effort into trashing my post then I did in writing it

Ughhhhhhh dude, these posts trigger me beyond belief. If these heroes are so “low-skill”, why is everyone not up in 4.1k with me? Just keep playing those heroes if they’re so “low-skill” and “easy”. I’ll see you in my games in a week then. Can’t wait to destroy you.

People need to accept that every hero requires an unquantifiably different skill set. Not easier or harder; just different. Stop trying to measure things that cannot be measured.

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Bastion and torb skilless? You clearly have never played them and think all you have to do is stay in the same position all game with your hammer/turret form.

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Reinhardt is skilless, didn’t you read? Raise shield and stand there.

Actually he’s one of my favorite hero’s to play. However it’s not even arguable that he doesn’t have a high ceiling. Otherwise he’d be used a lot more in high elo.

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You do realzie the majority of players in high elos play the meta
Not what’s high skill ceiling. Otherwise you’d see alot more Bastions,Syms,Torbs,etc.

Sure, but none of those heroes aren’t High skill ceiling. Otherwise they’d be meta.

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You clearly don’t know what heros have high skill ceilings then
Because they are some of the highest skill celings in the game.
Also you seem to not understand the meta is not what is high skilled. It’s whats effective

Gm players are the most skilled players in the game. They have the ability to use every hero to their full potential. If those heroes had high skill ceilings then they would be meta at the gm level simply because they’d be more effective than other dps. They do not have a high skill ceiling.

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You clearly don’t know the reality of GrandMasters