Skill > Low-Skill


What drugs are you on?

You ever watched a NYXL game with him? They play him in koth for just straight deathmatch skills and in stage 4 they ran him over Libero for most maps when they were getting lazy with their strats. Like there’s a reason when he comes up with big plays like his massive flank 4k on Junkertown the casters say “he shouldn’t be able to get away with that.” They say that because he digs himself out of reckless decisions with raw mechanics.

Yeah, no.
Dont be mistaken mate, he is a top OWL player, his gamesense is brutally above 99% of this forum. The thing is that he often tends to take risks even though he knows his enemies are able to get him, his play style is aggressive and he knows that mechanically he can get away with many things.

He knows how to play defensive but he actively chooses not to, its not an unconscious underestimation of his opponents.


well pine is a prime reason why NYXL didnt win a lot of their games in s4 compared to previous seasons, and clearly pine isnt a good aimer compared to other pros given he lost in the widow tourney against other owl widows and the one he lost to specifically was a meme one.

There is an issue here. What if an equally skilled player playing a low skill hero plays against an equally skilled player playing a high skill hero? What happens then?

Since you can’t assume the skill level of every player you meet that means you are actually assuming that every player that you meet that hypothetically plays Moira is a no skill player. For that you are being an elitist.


OP doesn’t understand countering and the design of this game. Someone who is adequately good at many heroes should be better than someone who is very good at one single, supposedly high skill hero.


A lot of characters in support ortank category can be considered skilled though…

Because this game has a Competitive Mode. And with Comp Mode comes players trying to improve their skill to climb rank.

This, I play both hero’s but I don’t go whining when I die to a simple hero.

I think, “WoW, I’m a dumbass. Why the hell did I charge that Junkrat/Brig. I shoulda known it wouldn’t end well if I didn’t land those 2 headshots in 1.5 seconds they had to unleash their death combo”


“Damn, I knew I lost sight of that Widow but I pushed forward anyway and lost all my supports”

Self reflection isn’t a human strength

I think it was SureFour who stated that it is very hard to balance Mechanical skill required hero’s as everyone has varying degrees of mechanical skill. So it’s hard to make them easy enough for low skilled to use and not throw and hard enough for high skilled not to dominate. I think honestly this is why most of our newer roster of hero’s have done away with that by and large and it makes them easier to balance.

kinda my point… op is heavily implying heroes with more aim require more skill and most of the aim related heroes are the dps. I’d say they take the least amount of skill since they generally lack the need for anything but kill stuff. I’m ignoring what everyone in the game has to do btw, like positioning and smart game sense. the dps simply has to kill things, certain stuff first, but any kill is gonna be a plus. If a tank blocks the wrong stuff or saves the wrong people you can lose fast, same for the healers and supports in terms of heals.

Really op just wanted to complain about brig without name dropping her and getting lambasted by everyone for being the 500th thread about her I assume.

Every hero needs gamesense?

Play Reinhardt with aimbot see how well you do. Then play widowmaker with aimbot and enjoy free wins. Some heroes literally let aim carry them.

Obviously regrouping, avoiding damage, may be universal on the surface, but each hero does not require the same skills with aim being the only variable. That’s verifiably false.

+1 This. Mercy is one of few heroes that has almost no down time in game. She’s always micromanaging the dead or alive players. Mercy is either correcting someone’s mistake or enhancing a team play with a boost.

Do those in the wrong order or time, and the team can lose. It can be stressful. Mercy has to constantly vet all players and quickly decide which player has the best value for the team vs a potato who’s not contributing as much.


Everyone should have equal skill floors and ceilings, and that’s what I feel is the problem with OW and why balancing is difficult.

That is impractical.

A high skill floor is a mark of pride for a skilled player, and a low skill floor is useful for accessibility.

Trying to make everybody the same is bad game design.

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If equal skill floors aren’t what people want then the only other option is that low-skill should be objectively worse than high skill in order to make harder characters more fulfilling and rewarding to learn to play.

Then you wind up with the same characters being meta forever, which the pros got sick of even though Dive is MOSTLY high skill.

The other problem is that some characters have deceptive skill caps. I already mentioned the pros and Seagull commenting that Mercy is one of the hardest characters to play at the highest level.

My stance:

People complain too much about high skill and low skill heroes.
Some people have no idea what makes a high skill hero outside of aim.
Anybody who was “oppressive low skill” will never be considered high skill until they are useless.
There are people who use “low skill” because it was simply what they were told without knowing why.
Brigitte will NEVER be considered “not low skill” until she is nerfed into the ground or gets a major rework. (Poor Brig :sweat:)

The other day he also got depressed and ended his stream after switching to Brigitte and feeling dirty winning with that hero. lol

Meh. :woman_shrugging: