Skill chasm 1 T500 5 V bronze

Okay so just cause people seem to think balancing is bad and everyone that can aim is a hacker. Here is the gap in skill between the best and the worst players in OW. Enjoy 5 V 1. Two different T 500 players try one wins. Watch this then tell me we dont need any balancing just let it be a free for all lol

competitive should be removed and it’s just quick play. Nothing competitive about this game.


It’s not really a 5vs1, it’s a 5vs2.5. Since the streamer does have 2.5 times the stats, including health and damage and healing, meaning he gets full health every time he steps on any healthpack.
It’s just a way for streamers to stomp on noobs, I don’t understand why anyone would want to play that.


That sounds lame. No point besides trying to flex even though they didn’t win.

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Its a community within the community. The bronze players knew what they were getting into lol. But id say it was more of a 2v5 if we include the buffed tracer stats. Even with extra damage and heals its still only 1 person and can only be at one place and angle at a time.

But no dude these are things that happen all the time. The OW community is actually pretty good outside this forum lol. Kidding sort of. But outside this forum people still try and have fun with the game, set up scrims, do dumb stuff like this.

I’m talkin about pure mechanical skill diff though with this. T500 is basically the top 0.0001% of the game. Its just done in the name of fun and its just interesting to see. You cant say those blink melee kills weren’t interesting to watch or the pick on the zen from space to recall out and get another instant pick. Just fantastic gameplay

Yeah those videos are always super cringe

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You guys are aware everyone involved wanted to play right? Streamers communities do this type of stuff a lot, recently anyways. Its fun for people to jump in and play with the people they watch regardless of being destroyed. They’re just having fun, nobody is tilting or there against their will. Emonggs done it, flats has done it. These are custom games not regular ranked.

They have games where for every win the high rank team loses a member, ones where the low ranks get the buffs. Its just fun custom scrims where people are just again having fun. Oh another one ive been seeing lately is PC V console scrims. Stuff like that.

Why don’t they just all stay on the cart? Also pretty sure the Ashe was t-bagging at 3:15, disappointing they didn’t show it.

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Staggers lol. If they grouped better they may have won. But they kept staggering in giving Jay a chance to pick them off one by one when they weren’t at full strength. Grouping extremely OP in OW

so what you’re saying this doesn’t show much of anything than except someone with a visual rank that’s high (not even real) picking off people that are spread out on purpose. He should’ve 1v1 each of them with the buff to make it super cringe.

What is that video supposed to show exactly, because tracer is buffed. Its far from true representation of real game.

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x2.5 stats are way more powerfull than 2.5 people. Because people needs coordination while x2.5 stats does not.
Imagine people that coordinated so well that they shoot same target instantly in 0.01 seconds. That’s the coordination never saw in the game and with x2.5 you get even better coordination.

It’s just stupid to even make those comparisons and say look T500 can 1v5… no he can’t

It’s like letting a grown man with a baseball bat walk into a class full of 3rd graders.

To the people that don’t see it. Mechanical skill has nothing to do with buffed states. The mechanical skill/game sense on display is what is impressive. Target priority, target acquisition, awareness. All the people saying that’s so easy. Do it yourself and post the video.

Hell go 3.5 to your stats and play a 1 v 5 against lower ranked players. Bronze-plat Give yourself an even bigger boost and lets see the 1 v 5 full match where you win the 1 v 5. Im curious, if its really that easy prove it. Its obviously not as easy as people think. Out of the two T500 players in this match only one was able to win, so its not like it was a guaranteed win. The first player didnt even get to first checkpoint.

sorry. I’m only seeing a flex. Can we have some videos of flats instead?

Thank you for being a normal person that isn’t in some kind of weird matrix. The fact that some people actually defend Blizzard and this matchmaking makes me question if this world is even real sometimes.

Whats so abnormal about a community scrim? There are probably a few dozen happening right now with all sorts of custom rules and tweaks. Again outside of this forum, this is a normal thing that happens all the time through peoples discord/twitch communities and what not.

The fact is this one of the least fun, least active OW communities. Its all complaints (which yes a lot are valid) But you guys cant even look at a friendly scrim as what it is and take anything from watching the best of the best playing. Thats why people play in these games, they learn from playing with and against people well above their own rank with people they see all the time in game or twitch chats, discord, all that good stuff. Its done outside the ranked environment with people they know from communities they want to be a part of. There is nothing wrong or weird about it.

Id love to go rein V rein against flats. Hed destroy me but it would be fun. So again, playing against someone you know you probably cant beat. It still can be fun.