Since when and why is Hamster a reason to throw?

I know that not playing shield tank will get you throwers and a report every once in a while … but playing Hamster seems to be a guaranteed 5v6 - someone will just always throw your game. What is going on ? Are ppl memeing or something ?

This is worse than back when I tried playing Bastion :frowning:

99% of this community is simply completely delusional and refuses to accept how OP Ball really is.

It is because they project their skill onto you. The same reason any high skill heroes are considered throws. They put themselves in your place, understand they are worthless, and assume you are too.

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I recently asked something similar as well and the answers were quite interesting.

imho, prior to playing Hammond, i always figured that he was like the lost child, rolling off doing his own thing and maybe sometimes to the detriment of the team.
Learning how to play Hammond, i can understand why my team mates may dislike Hammond because they could be only be seeing the feeding.

Because the community as a whole are like a bunch of old people when new technology pops up.

They are scared of changes and refuse to put up with anything that they don’t consider “the right way of doing things”.

ssssh… let the larger community continue to ignore the rise of the rodent overlord…

…until it is too late…