Simplest Mercy ult/rez fix ever?

2 charges max probably. That would be lovely though. Especially if she then gets a new E… or her beam back to 60… or both.


I think the other part of this - and I’ve seen this point before - is that people would use her ult just to rez, and that would… kind of destroy the point of it being Valk, if you catch my drift.


Seeing as current Valkyrie is nearly pointless… I don’t see a problem with that.


Valk may need tweaks for sure - but adding ult-only rez isn’t the way to do it. We may as well revert if it gets to that, but since Valkyrie is likely (due to how devs are with their views and balance and such) to stay for a while, I think strong numbers buff with a decrease in ult length for more clutch potential would be better.

Might also break her though. Mercy’s balance has been teetering on a tightrope ever since she got reworked.- one move and she’ll go further down into trashtier, or she’ll creep up past Ana. Support balance is fragile.


i think even a single instant res during valk would be fine. if her healing was 60hps…you can get it fairly fast if you’re doing your job right…
it’s kinda what i’d like for her the most, cause i personally hate res on E…cast time or not…

but! if they don’t wanna move res back to her ult…i’d rather have shorter valk duration with better healing, make it count, this way i am just floating around or i go and kill that pesky widow that no one else would have :woman_shrugging:

tbh, I would gladly have Valkyrie made into 2 instant resurrects, free flight for 8-10 seconds and that’s it over what we have now.

Also Valkyrie is deeply and horribly flawed.

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Bad phrasing on my part there, yes, the rez would be the main part of the ult. I just said Valkyrie to maybe keep her increased mobility, so she could avoid counterplay better while diving in.

Also 2 charges seems kind of unsatisfying to me, too little for an ult maybe (that’s why I started with 3). The more players she dares to rez, the more she is putting herself on the line there. If she gets tickled by so she cannot self-regen, her third attempt at a rez could as well cost her her life.

But I like that you’d be down for this, since if would be such a simple thing to change without any new coding. I’d also like a new E.

Oh no, I absolutely agree that Valkyrie sucks - it’s an ult that removes every single weakness Mercy has.

Your idea is good, but if we give Mercy two free rezzes and free flight, it’s not as bad without chain beams but I think a revert would be better. Would she have the same flight speed? I think going back to the fast speed would be an issue.


A revert would make me very happy, but I am… 90% certain that Blizzard won’t go for it. I think there is a better chance of them going for turning Valkyrie into flight + a few instant resurrects.

Same flight speed as current I would imagine.


You’re right, she definitely shouldn’t have a huge speed increase. I both liked playing jetpowered moth Mercy (because gotta go fast), and hated how hard to kill she was (because she was).

I’d just like her to have a vertical option to maneuvre above the corpses of her teammates and swoop in like in the cinematic trailer.

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the thing i miss the most about insta cast res is the drive-by reses </3
rip in peace, you will be missed

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I’m okay with how she is, just a few tweaks. GIVE ME MY SINGLE TARGET HEALING BACK!

At this point I only use Valk to escape a blade or pick off a sniper in a good position.

Single target heal 60hp/s Aoe heal 55hp/s call it a day

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THIS is the thing that is not healthy.

Catering to streamers whining cough* seabird *cough and OWL (spectating experience) rather than trying to fix the core problem with mass rez and fixing other issues that could make the game more fun.
The result is a disaster OP of a failed rework that forced them to allocate their time that should be used for other balance fix and in the end forced them to overnerfed her to oblivion.

I see more complaints now (not just mercy complaints) compared to season 2/3 where the game is mostly balanced. People were really having fun back then. Today blizz is forcing the meta by overnerfing or overbuffing characters, which is NOT healthy.


On one hand, I would agree to give her a few rez charges because its an ultimate, not a basic ability (Valkyrie), on the other it would be kinda troublesome if that Mercy keeps ressurecting the same 1-2 heroes back that might be annoying.

Imo, simplest change is they rework her into having Rez back into an ultimate with changes like LoS and a cast time, and making Valkyrie the E ability but removed chain healing and buff her primary healing to at least 55hps.

Shes supposed to be a great single target healer, there is no place for chain beams if that were the case.


Good single target healers can ensure that the person they’re targeting never dies.

Give her the utility to do so, and she’ll never have to rez them.

Some deaths don’t deserve the right to be resurrected, and if someone were to die while you’re pocketing them, let it be by lack of your skill and not lack of any actual variable healing

Tinfoil hat Sometimes I think they just nerfed her hard, because watching a Mercy is WAY more boring than playing her (which is boring in it self). Viewership will rise watching Zens and Ana’s then following a Mercy during a viewership focused game.


If lets say Valkyrie does become her E ability, Id at least want her healing ot be ramped up like ubercharge. Like her base healing is 50hps, but if she goes Valkyrie, her healing gets ramped to 75hps and perhaps valkyrie enables both damage boost and healing at the same time? Maybe? Maybe not. Ofc its gonna be a long cd, but Im just spitballing here.

I just dont want them to go crazy with some cooky rework and come up with some grand ability that may or may not work as they already have the assets.

Quite the contrary for me, I think killing the same lone ressurected Rein twice in a row would be a lot less troublesome than killing an entire enemy team that suddenly appears all around you. You could just slap a trap on his feet or position your Widow cursor on his head as he’s getting back up.
I’ve never used it so just please go easy on me - but was the old LOS buttonpress mass rez really that much more fun/engaging to use?

Edit: I like your amped up healing E idea too, would be an easy fix and a good option.

I don’t think valk should be part of her kit even if it was on “E”. She doesn’t need 4 bad aoe heals. she needs 1 trustworthy single target heal. thats her job. otherwise i can name 3 people right now who make her irrelevant for AoE.

I’d really like to see her stay at 50hps, but give her oppurtunities to fluxuate higher, even passed 60 HPS when you’re playing properly. Kind of like a zarya. If you do your job correctly you will always be OK. but who says your reward should be given to you instantly for no skill envolvement?

She should:

Be able to overheal full health targets like in tf2. they copied the game so much, why be bashful now?

Have a way to temporarily influx her single target healing. Maybe it’s a burst heal, maybe it’s a damage reduction, but it is vital to the character (even at 60 HPS stock) that she has a way to save her target from death. She is dedicating her whole existence to keep a squishy alive. and within reason, she should be able to.

Tinfoil hat

I wonder if they nerfed Mercy so much that they already are planning a rework for her? They already knew 50hps wouldnt work, since, her healing got buffed for a reason previously. Who knows, maybe after all this commotion of them not ‘listening’, they just wanted to nerf Mercy to push her off the edge and announce shes getting a rework during Blizzcon.

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