Silver's, Gold's, Bronze's, anyone! Come join our discord server!

Hello, and welcome! I’m Warrior, and I had an idea… My idea was to help Bronze and Silver players get better, and learn a bit more about positioning and the character’s they want to main! Not Bronze or Silver? No problem! We’re looking for coaches to help teach Bronze and Silver players, too! Anyways, my goal is to fill this empty discord server up with Bronze and Silver players, and get 'em all up to Gold! Hope to see you there! Add me on Battlenet if your interested!
https:// (Remove the spaces!)



Not sure if offer is still valid, but I’m a tank main as rein and hog. I climbed out of bronze with solo queue.

I’m interested! I play mostly tank and support at 1320-ish SR.

Hey I’m gold I don’t mind helping out I’m a support main. Around 2149 sr

I honestly think this idea is wonderful, as a low silver i would love to get the ability to play the tank i feel like. Please tell me when you get the discord up and runnin’

Hello, i am high silver (1885) and im looking for a good team / coaches who can help me to get better in the game, i already sent you a friend request. Just tell me when the discord server is up, or if it is already up just send my an invitation. (I’m EU, i hope some of you too)

sent a friend request. I’m interested.

Is this US only or do you have some EU players? I play on US servers a lot for arcade but the ping is just a bit too high for me to do comp so I want some EU friends too

Hey! I’m a ~3100 tank main (clicked on this post by accident lol.) Anyway, I don’t have the free time- or the skill- to be a coach per se, but I could go over some VODs with people over voice chat to give pointers.

While I do play almost exclusively tank, and especially D.Va, I can play any hero around a mid-plat level. Hopefully I can help someone. I’ll add you in a bit.

This is an NA server, but EU teams are welcome! Come on in, everyone who wants to join!

Could you send another Discord invite? It says that it has expired.

Done! Try it now, it should be working.

I’m a very shiny gold, does that still count? monkaS

It does indeed! Go ahead and join us!

i sent a friend reqeust i keep dropping and even if i stay even for a little at same i would be happy so i think you have a great idea i would love to be coached

Definitely joining tomorrow! I placed high silver and fell to 800sr

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I added you. I’m Bronze and I hope to learn more and climb!

Added you! I’m a support main, (Moira) average low gold. Also like to play Orisa, Soldier, D.Va. Open to constructive crit. I want to be the best I can and help carry others up.

Hey is the server still up? Im a silver damage main, i can flex support too. Looking for a team to play with.

Hey is the offer still valid? I’m pretty new to the game just trying to climb through silver to get to gold.