[Silver] Support LF dps/tank

I’m looking for some good dps/tanks to play with on the weekends. I work nights so I usually play comp Fri-Sun 6pm-8am est. (But sometimes pull all-dayers)
Really would like some dps/tanks that have a mic and desire to win.
I’m pretty laid back and enjoy playing with others who are as well, but would also still like to win.
Because I solo-que often during very late hours, my SR tends to suffer more than it should. I only say that because during normal hours- I usually always climb back into the 1600-1700 range.
I know all the support characters well enough for silver rank so I can play whoever is needed
but my specialty is Ana (as long as they don’t have a Winston -_- )

Here’s a clip of some gameplay just so you can see what you’d be working with
(be gentle though, I do miss shots, I am silver after all)
https:/ /www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChoZ4Ml_mS4

I’ll climb a bit with you from high silver-plat Envy#13217

Heya, I sent you a friend request (from Volatile#11834)