Sigma is an off tank

That’s because there is only one main tank in the game.

And it’s not healthy.

Orisa/Rein/Winston , there are 3

Well, they could just label offtanks :stuck_out_tongue:

Also Sigma, Hamster, D’Va, Hog and Zarya are all TANKS. There is no off or main tank.

In order to play Sigma you must queue as TANK, not off tank, not main tank (as those roles don’t exist)

They could but it would be stupid to break up the already small Tank roster.

I figure actually getting to play the full tank roster is better than having to spend 50% of your time on Reinhardt, or lose rank.


Last match I played (a win) when we were on attack it was me (D’Va) and Hamster as tanks on my team and D’Va Zarya on the other team. we got 3 to 0 after first round. (Blizzard world payload). Second round on defense our Hamster switched to Orissa and we won 3 to 1 in the end (other team stuck with D’Va and Zarya)

K. But that’s not likely to happen in Platinum.

Which is roughly where devs seem to do most of their balancing towards.

Meh, so far in 12 matches (yes 10 of them with Rein banned) not a single Rein played in any of them. Will see if he starts to get more play when I have time to do some more playing which with the quarantine is likely.

For now he’s a meh hero at best and overrated at worst. personally as a D’Va one trick I prefer to play with Hamster, Hog or Zarya.

I mean…
I don’t wanna be rude, but in low Bronze you can run virtually anything any win.

Can we just buff Sigma already!!

Sigma is the funniest tank in the game imo. That pesky widow giving team a problem? Shield in her face. DVA threw her bomb, shield to cover it Enemy Team aggressively pushing, grasp to hold them back. Funniest tank and most creative tank but was nerf because he " Oppressed " the DPS class…

Just reduce his cooldowns and his 1 sec shield CD.

Sigma is too creative and original to be trash.

Yes you do want to be rude (again) but that’s fine. I love Bronze for this very reason, people play to win and play to have fun also and play the heroes they want to play.

Meta slave mouthbreathers are not wanted or needed in the glorious world of Bronze.

If you enjoy Bronze, more power to you.
Have fun any way you see fit.

I just don’t think it should be the basis for gameplay balance.

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