Sigma is an off tank

sigma is an off tank- plain and simple

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Would he be an offtank if they buffed up his barrier to 1500hp?

✅ [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix

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No he is not, plain and simple.

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I wish they would actually make up their minds and put him in a proper side. I think he is awkwardly sitting in the middle of being a main/off tank.

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On release, no he wasn’t

After the barrier rework, I’d say probably so

After the subsequent nerfs to his damage, he’s more main-tanky again but kinda just sucks in general, so he can’t really do either

yes and no. could eh work as a main tank, yes could eh work as a off tank yes. is he better as an off tank. from my experience and opinion yes. so yes and no. I think people nee to figure it out like wrecking ball. a main tank now

Off tank is a distinction that only exists in the minds of players. It’s not even a particularly useful distinction.

You’re wrong, plain and simple. Sigma is a main tank that works well in double main tank comps.

If he was a main tank I think his damage would need to be lower, his barrier health higher and his 1 second cooldown removed or reduced to 0.5.

I guess one can say he is a main tank is double main tank scenarios, but he is the only main tank like that.

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I think he is an off tank that can flex to a main tank however rein does his job better in the shield department and making space. he can’t make space as easily as other main tanks. but he can help protect his team and flank ish. more so poking on his own.

How can you think about such a topic in times like these?
Who gives a %&/%, Echo is not a support!

Sigma can certainly be played like a main tank. Rein can put up higher blocked damaged numbers, but at the cost of massively lower damage output numbers. I was playing Sigma almost exclusively the week Reinhardt was banned, and I would put up 25-35K damage blocked 5-8K damage absorbed in my competitive games, if my team was cooperatively playing together and not getting rolled.

No he’s not. NONE of his kit is supportive in a way that makes him any bit offtank. That’s why hes so bad; hes a main tank without the ability to main tank.

it is a good distinction. imagine road hog as a main tank. players have gotten this and it needs to work like this

Sigma only works well paired with an Orisa.

Sigma is not a main tank, he does not create space by himself, he more so enables the other Tank. Halt+Rock combo / Placing his barrier when the main one dies.

Having a shield does not make him a maintank, especially such a week one (On release he wasn’t a MT either)

~4k Tank Player

That’s why you make it so that it’s not possible to do two barrier tanks.

✅ [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix

I have no problems making space against anything that isn’t a good Rein/Zarya. That matchup in particular is hard.

Opens game
Nope don’t see the words ‘Off tank’ anywhere.
Sigma is a Tank, just like Rein, D’Va, Hog etc.

At his current state, I’d argue he isn’t even a tank.

Just another mass of ult charge

Let’s say Choke on Volskaya, no way to make space as Sigma “Main Tank”

Winston can jump on Squishies separate them , bubbl and get out
Orisa can Shield, bodyblock with Fortify and halt people in the air
Rein Can Shield, Swing his hammer even charge

Sigma can throw his shield and pray he doesn’t get stunned when using his grasp