Sigma got overnerfed

  1. Sigma lost his one shot combo with rock. Which means he can’t confirm kills through healing anymore and is inferior in that department to Reinhardt and Hog who can reliably one shot 200 health heroes.
  2. The widow to cancel Flux is really generous. The fact that enemies can get lifted and still cancel it is ridiculous. Imagine if you could cancel a Graviton early while being already effected by it cause thats where Sigma is at. It’s too unreliable to get consistent value anymore.

Those are his two big issues. The Devs nerfed things from Sigma’s kit that were strong, but not OP. So now everything is mediocre and there’s better options who do the same things in his role. Want a strong, reliable, potentially teamfight winning ultimate and the ability to one shot through healing? Just play Rein


Since when does rein have a one shot combo?
do you mean charge? thats not a combo and its a suicide button more than half the time and its not a one shot and it can be easily stopped unlike hogs or Sigmas old one shot combo.

Sigma losing his oneshot combo Ok i see it as reasonable only nerf to get. As he technically can still perform a one shot combo at any squishies closing in
70+110+30(for the melee)


I mean, at least Sigma’s origin story video was awesome :] sucks they nerfed him so much tho

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I’m so sad his combo is gone. Especially after the barrier nerfs were supposed to switch power elsewhere and encourage more aggressive play. Right? So why nerf an ability that rewards player skill and makes his individual impact better. I personally suck with the rock but it was one of those things which kept me motivated to become better. I always thought his rock was actually pretty well designed CC because it behaves differently depending of range a.k.a better rewards the more difficult it gets to land.


I think a buff to his projectile speeds would really help him. His damage is high but nowhere near as consistent as zar/road/dva


He needs three buffs imo
No cooldown on his shield
as you are taking damage in grasp you get health for that damage striaght away
he gets 20% speed reduction during his ult only
not 70%


No, sigma is doing just fine. He doesn’t need a one shot combo. He already has shield, defense matrix that buffs his health, cc, and one of the best ults in the game. His kit is already loaded as hell.


honestly good riddance Sigma + Orisa was THE most boring meta this game has ever seen and we had GOATs in this game also.

Sigma + Orisa is still more than playable and that’s all that matters.

Tanks don’t need one-shot combos, imo. (Hog is a weird exception) Accretion is great because of the CC, not the damage. But given that they lowered the damage so much, it’d be nice if the cast animation were a bit shorter.

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That sucks

Only after the fact, he can get killed by any melee or beam attacks, or also get stunned

And like i said, he doesnt get any shields until the ability is done

Thats hard to land

Thats incredibly easy to counter and interrupt

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Roadhog would like to hook you

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Fair point. Forgot hog :rofl:

And suggesting he has one of the best ults in the game… Where would people rank it among tank ults…3rd? 4th?

more like below average after the nerfs.

Make that a reduction rather than a complete removal, and i agree.

sigma does not want to be anywhere close to a fight to melee a hero for 30 damage.
And if he does always get that close, his own rock damages him…the nerf made no sense

Buuuuut, Sigma offers more raw defensive measures than either of them. (And Rein’s charge is far too risky to be called reliable.) I don’t see why he has to be compared to Roadhog of all Tanks.
Is Ana inferior to Lucio because she has a less reliable group heal?

This I’m a bit ehhh on.
It’s true that it can be a bit too easy to cancel Flux sometimes, considering it’s the 2nd highest cost Ult in the game (Only to Graviton, last I checked. It was the highest until recently.)
But, on the other hand, it’s got a massive area, Sigma can activate it almost instantly and deals not-insignificant damage. Power wise, it’s basically a Grav plus an offensive ultimate (Though less reliable) so it’s important to have some counterplay.
Honestly, I’d like to see Sigma use his other abilities (Namely Barrier and Grasp) while in the air. It leaves the counterplay while not making Sigma too vulnerable and it gives him a choice: ensure the kill or ensure the slam.

Overall, he’s not crazily weak but he’s not in a good spot either. What he needs is little nudges to make him a little more reliable, Rein to be toned down a bit and to get rid of that stupid ONE SECOND BARRIER COOLDOWN! Ahem…

If only they could revert the ultimate nerf (it cancels the second someone stuns him, even if its activated) To be honest, that was a bad nerf.

Honestly I wasn’t a fan of the rock combo one shotting people. He already had good tank abilities and high damage, I don’t see why he needed more.

It used to do exactly 200 damage, what healing is that going to cut through?


I wish Sigma competed with the other main tanks instead of only really being played alongside another main tank.

Really laughing at this one. xD OVERNERFED LOL xD
Sigma is OP a hell, when he is low HP he just starts consuming to make shield which makes him invulnerable to most heroes and getting healed at the same time, over and over again and you say hes OVERNERFED! xD

This is 3 months old.

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  1. Combo was fair before nerf
  2. Flux shouldn’t be escapable once lifted
  3. Sigma should gain shield immediately with grasp

That being said, double shield is still a problem. I don’t think it’s the fault of shield heroes, rather the fault of crazy ranged damage.

Nerf snipers and dive/shield break heroes will counteract the strength of double shield.