Sigma balls ult

can you fix it already? if you’re a winston, doomfist, junk, mercy, pharah literally anything in the air or trying to react fast enough and escape you get caught in it. You can be above entire buildings and it still catches you in them because the ult goes to the sky box apparently? if you have an ability that goes to the sky box make it visually go to the sky box as well at least better?

this. i’ve literally almost escaped sig’s ult by mining out as junk, but since i’m still in it’s radius despite not being on the ground i get caught in it.

that video just shows it does go to the sky box :confused: means if you’re on top of building’s , etc or jumping good luck kinda murder those heroes flanking, escaping capabilities more. this also can be abused on overtime save sig ult to last push and force people on payload then just sig ult and you instantly win.