Sigma and Brigitte are in need of hard tuning

This is only on the highest of highs, in lower ranks every support is great. and with the experiemental changes, Zenny boi can reappear again.

Because Flankers are already very countered, and now there is a support that does that. It’s like replacing a good target with your counter, which is very bad, not only because now there is 1 less players you can kill. There is also 1 more players that can stop you in return.

So it is in no way different from other counter interactions, you just want it to be different because of your own personal biased reasons. Got it

I think you did not catch what I said here. Brig is a support, I would be 100% fine with her countering, flankers as a DPS, but as a support it is very strong for the reason mentioned above.

I never said that I am biased, so where did you get that from? Also can you provide a valid argument for my claim? No support counters DPS or tanks as hard as brig counters flankers!

So word for word exactly what I said.

Face it. The only argument you have for this interaction being different is “wah wah I don’t want support to counter a flanker”. Dps counter tanks, tanks counter supports, supports counter dps and any other combination of countering exists in this game. You just want flankers to be exempt from this because of just that. You want it to be and for no other reason

At this point why dont they reinforce the idea of only 1 shield tank? Instead of destroying tanks and healers in the process for 99% of us plebs in the Bronze-Master

I told you that they are extremely countered already.

Dps category is diverse and great for countering anything, also tanks that counter supports generally have no shields, or anything crazy for the team (Monkey, Hamster, Dva). Supports negate damage, aside from that not so much.

I am a generalist that plays all roles, mostly support nowdays = I have actually tried the heroes I talk about. You are trying to make me look biased, exept that I am not!

You are biased. It doesn’t matter even if you are a Brig one trick. Brig countering flankers is in no conceivable way different from Winston countering Ana, Doom countering Zen, Ana countering Hog etc etc. You just want it to be different because of your own personal biased outlook but sorry your personal outlook means nothing to the rest of us, that is not an objective reason.

Bro what suppoort and tank bias. Dudes have bias for everything. It’s not just suppoort and tank.

Also tanks players are smallest group in overwatch. I doubt their bias is as big as DPS or supprtort. :thinking:

I am biased because I have a different opinion than you? ok…
Anas antiheal is generally op, and I made a thread of removing it which gained massive popularity, It is just extra bad for hog! With the other ones, it is not as severe as with Brig and flankers, Ana is next to her team, and can just walk through bubble, and sleep him. Zen Has the strenghts and weaknesses, the weakness being poor survivability. This applies to everything on overwatch when against zen.

You keep saying that, Like a parrot or a monkey, I asked for valid points… did not get any!

That is just mean towards the community, claiming that good arguments are not listened to or apriciated. You be you by all means, but don’t fake rally people against me!

I love when people talk about support pick rates. There are 7 characters to choose from. 2 out of 7 are picked at all times.

Oh my god nobody cares about your tangent and descriptions of these scenarious. The point is Brig countering flankers is not a unique interaction and people want flankers to be exempt from this interaction that every other character in this game has and I am calling you out for being biased for wanting that which you are. You are all trying to paint Brig countering flankers in some dark light when it is just another day of Overwatch, a game conceived and built upon the idea of “hey I’ll swap to X from Y to counter Z”.

Its a waste of time talking to you since I told you to say something valid and new, but you keep saying the same thing I dismantled 30min ago.

It’s cute that you think you have dismantled anything. I did not see you show me in anyway how Brig countering flankers is different from other interactions of heroes countering each other. All I saw was you post why you don’t want such an interaction to exist, not that it is unique in anyway whatsoever. Keep asking for the balance changes that you want, just don’t be afraid to admit that you are biased about them, which you are.

I play brig, unlike you obviously, I would make her inspire heal her the same (not considering the expiriemental changes) but remove shieldbash or do something with it.

I got to masters mainly playing Ana and Brig. I’d tell you what you could do with shieldbash but I don’t want to violate forum CoC. Brig counters flankers and she should counter flanker and she should keep countering flankers. It’s just another basic counter interaction in game that is full of them. Time to move to the final stage of grief and accept it.

I’m also a sombra main. Nothing breaks my heart more than seeing the Zen I was spawn camping come out as Brig and bully me in return but you gotta do what you gotta do. I accept this interaction

I don’t agree with your method but I agree with your message.

You got to masters as the 2 most op supports, and then call me biased while defending brig…

I play all supports, which means I will play the best support whichever becomes the best. That is what a flex player does. If Brig and Ana stopped being best I have hundreds of hours on Mercy, Bap, Moira and about 30 and rising on zen and lucio. Maybe if some people could flex like me they wouldn’t be caught with their pants down when somebody swapped to counter them and cry on the forums for that hero to stop countering them.

Case in point, when this happens

I can swap to Ashe or Mei.