Should they just rework Brig?

Make her harder to play. But reward it.

Would you say this is a result of Brig being weaker than the other two or a case of her having worse synergy with the other supports?

Brig’s pickrate in OWL is the lowest of the off-supports.

Her pickrate at every single rank on the ladder is lower than the other off supports on PC, PSN, and XBOX.

If you are aiming for balance, I don’t think Brig is the right off-support to be messing with first.

If you are looking at it from a fun perspective yeah she possibly needs a look but, so do the flankers. I did a survey on Brig/Off-Supports a while back and the people that like playing as Brig dislike playing against Genji significantly more than the overall population. People that liked fighting Genji disliked Brig significantly more than the overall population.

Brig was actually not the least popular hero in that survey which does raise the question of what % of the population actually dislikes her.

I hate CC so while I enjoy playing her from time to time I consider a net negative but, that doesn’t mean everyone agrees with me:P.

At this point, yeah. I think Blizz just need to throw in the towel and remake her in a manner that benefits the game.

Those are some unique ideas, it seems like your idea is focused a lot more on armour rather than healing. It definitely might be an avenue I’d like to see explored, but is that trying to lessen her overall synergy with AOE healers (mainly Lucio) or trying to be more of a Tracer counter, putting her up against armour?

IDK how they would go about this. I’d love to see her have more of a risk vs reward system (Ie less self healing when it comes to 1v1 combat while if they play with their shield well enough they still have a chance to win) because from my perspective, she grants too much reward for most low risk plays. Most of her low risk aspect comes from her self sustained healing. Like put her vs Reaper. Even though he has a self heal, he is still doing high risk plays going in. All he has is a suicide in the form of shadow step, has to know when to use wraith form which has a relatively longish cooldown, or have most of his bullets hit the target to keep his health up, while all she has to do is put up her shield, stun, or boop a player across the field when she is in danger and just wait a few seconds for her health to go up.

I think it has a little bit more than just that.

She syngergizes very well with Lucio, but I don’t think that Brig/Lucio alone provides enough support whether it be healing or pure utility in high end play.

It’s also not that she’s weaker than the other supports, she’s strong in her own right. However, she doesn’t syngergize that well with many DPS combos that are strong / “meta”. Brig is nearly useless in a Sniper meta, one of the strong go to metas, and most would rather have a Mercy / off support like Lucio or Zen over Mercy / Brig. The synergy doesn’t work.

Then you have Dive comps, where in GOATS you can replace Rein occasionally with Winston, outside of GOATS version (floats I think it was?) it’s much better to run almost any other healer aside from Moira and Brig due to their lack of mobility, and people would much rather have a defensive ult such as sound barrier or trans where as her armour is useless during a blade.

Personally I think she lacks outside of 3/3 comps because of her ultimate and low mobility. While she can work on some king of the hill maps in certain ranks in 2-2-2 comps, her ultimate holds her back. It has nearly no defensive capabilities like Trans or Sound barrier, and does nothing to heal, or damage, or even boost her team in any way aside from giving them some armour which in the grand scheme of things will be relatively easy to chew through if you were to go up against a Dragon blade, Dragons, Grav, etc.

I’m no pro, but I don’t think her ultimate is good for an off support. It’s great for an off-off support, or if she were to “try” to off tank, but it’s just… in an odd place.

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Nah why do that? Lets just nerf her until no one gives a dusty fork anymore.

It’s Lucio, Not Brigitte

Both. Goats feeds off her AoE heals, and she no longer feels like a tracer counter. Also I wanted her to be more appreciated as a support, with healing that is more controlable. Those are simple numerical changes that will not affect how she plays as much as giant reworks, but hopefuly be a quick and easy for devs way to put her in a better place.

That is a bad idea 3 seconds no maybe 4 or 5 second

Could you elaborate why?

This has nothing to do with who enables GOATS, it’s talking about giving Brig an identity outside of GOATS, how she doesn’t work well in a 2-2-2 format and the mixed feelings about her in the community general.

Literally the first few sentences also states how Lucio also enables GOATS (even if it’s a brief mention), and moreso how her identity seems to be only in GOATS.

Thanks for not reading past the title though.

75 armor on a 3 second coldown.
150 armor on a 6 second coldown
It’s the same thing and if she give more armor pack every 3 second it’s a buff because she’s going to have rally even faster

Are you confident?

And yes, it’s a repair pack buff, to compensate for aoe heal nerf.

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How can she have an identity outside of GOATS when that’s where she’s only used?

Here’s the process to bring Brigitte back:

  1. Eliminate GOATS meta by, as mentioned in my shameless link plug.
  2. See where she stands afterwards.
  3. Buff her as appropriate

She isn’t the crux of GOATS anymore. Thus, we don’t know how she works outside of that.

I also want people to realize that Brigitte is the problem of GOATS anymore. It’s Lucio. The faster GOATS is dead, the quicker our favorite hero, Brigitte, comes back.

It couldn’t have possibly been more obvious that she’s not a good addition to this game since day 1. Since deletion is obviously out of question, she needed a major MAJOR rework for a long time.

Quite simply how can a team without any DPS beat a team with DPS?

That is a broken system.

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The whole point of this post TBH. Seeing if a rework may be the chance to give her a better way of standing a chance as an off healer seeing as Trans or Sound barrier are honestly the BEST defensive healer ults and people would be crazy to take rally over the two if put up against the meta DPS heroes, or see if she works better in a DPS / Tank Hybrid role.

I wasn’t exactly a fan of the shameless plug, seeing as it added nothing to the topic and it’s only purpose was to promote your own thread on a currently active one,

and that idea will literally leave Brig in limbo for god knows how long, possibly to never be touched again, and have the community possibly in an uproar with any buff she will receive as many people still do not like fighting against Brig’s current kit as it stands.

That, and even with buffs, she’s still not the best off healer. Lucio and Zen are still miles above her in terms of off healers. Brig brings no utility, barely any healing or even consistent healing, and her ultimate will save no one when it comes to the defensive side of things. It’s used offensively for good reason, but does nothing against Sniperwatch, Blade, many of the AOE ults like Hammond, Mei, destroyed even by Torb, and god forbid if your team gets trapped in a grav and your team is running Brig as a second healer instead of Lucio or Zen because there will be no way of saving them against Zarya combos.

You keep on using rework but all of your ideas are so incredibly tasteless. How does removing an ability and changing it to “something else” change her “identity”? A rework requires so much more planning and details, and simply stating that she needs one with little info doesn’t help others see what you want changed. It’s like asking the US congress to change the education system by saying they need to change it and make it cheaper. How does that help? Yeah you’re providing more awareness, but I want to see developed ideas and even possibly give you my own. And I gave you what I thought truly needs to be done:

We have to wait and see till GOATS is dead.

Reworking her isn’t a focus right now. I think you said it perfectly:

because it’s not buddy. Sorry. The only way she’s going to get a rework is after GOATS is dead and we see where she stands. And I gave you my post because I wanted to show you what truly is the priority. Also, she does output just as much or even more heals than other heroes.

Make her into a tank, with Repair Pack as her “healer hybrid” ability

Insulting me on my own post where you literally came here to promote your own thread

Tasteful :ok_hand:

Really feeling it with this one Mr Krabs.

And my post isnt REWORK BRIG, HERE IS MY INCREDIBLY DETAILED REWORK IDEA my post is asking SHOULD we consider reworking her because she CURRENTLY only works in GOATS and has no identity outside of it.[quote=“WhackinPizza-1462, post:25, topic:305231”]
because it’s not buddy. Sorry. The only way she’s going to get a rework is after GOATS is dead and we see where she stands.

Thanks for coming to my post, promoting your post that had nothing to do with the topic after not reading my post, insulting me while adding nothing to it, and to keep bringing up your post.

Honestly at this point, your replies are meaningless spam going “HEY LOOK AT MY SUPER COOL POST” like ok pal bye

But the ideas you gave are bland and shallow…

Then why present a rework with little to no ideas? What I said essentially sums it up:

It doesn’t have to be flushed out. But if you’re going to want people to see and understand your opinion, you’re going to want to provide more information supporting your argument. Especially since discussing a “buff” or “rework” for Brigitte is a controversial subject. If I created a post stating how Zarya’s ult should be reverted back to it’s original radius range just for the sake of it being reverted, no one is going to agree.

I’ll repeat what I said beforehand but more elaborately, ending GOATS is and should be a priority for Blizzard right now. OWL can suffer viewership numbers if nothing is changed as it would get repetitive for viewers. In order to accomplish this Lucio is the one that needs to be changed rather than Brigitte; and that goes for any buffs, nerfs, and “reworks”. Hence is why I gave you my post to support my argument. It wasn’t a means of promoting my post. I could care less about views and replies. I sent it to you as a means to express how irrelevant and pointless a Brigitte rework would be, and throughout this conversation I have justified my points and explained my perspective on the issue thoroughly.

I respect your opinion though and if you choose to believe that, then that’s fine. I can’t stop you.

But, if you’re not going to address my points about why a Brigitte rework is insignificant to the game right now nor provide your own feedback/opinion on it, then… I don’t know where to go from here…