Should the Next Support be a "pure support"?

That is ok for different supports to want different things, you can still put them in large groups and scratch their particular itch.

Old mercy scratched a particular itch, and was insanely popular doing so, but a hero doesn’t need to be mercy style to scratch that flow state itch, so…

They can make another hero which covers that while also covering another heroes thing.

But the main thing here, is we have a 2 year lead time on heroes!!, 6 are in development as we speak.

The best this thread can do is put requests in for heroes 3 years out.


No thank you. I’d rather the next support not be a pure support because we’ve all seen what happens to pure supports in this game ala Mercy - people whine and complain about them until they’re nerfed and are much less useful than the not pure supports.

So I’d rather them just keep implementing hybrid supports.

He’s kinda like if 76 traded most of his dps for biotic field buffs. Favorite support btw.

All of this is gold.

Thats a great idea! Why just make a support that appeals to Mercy players or Ana players when you can probably do both with one hero.

Thats not true, Baptiste has been in the works for a while but his signature ability is a relatively recent forum idea from Mercy mains.

Doesn’t stop people from whining about Bappy’s field, some people just can’t understand impactful abilities on supports. I don’t think a new pure support would get balanced poorly.

What kind of hybrid do you have in mind? Something fast? Lots of dps? Maybe a really cool signature move?


I think the devs are getting much better at designing new heroes / fixing older heroes.

The process that Mercy went through doesn’t reflect well on them at all, but I really do think they learned something from it.

I don’t think the right thing to do is to just give up on the concept of having more pure supports. Many people, including myself, are interested in such heroes. Instead of taking an example of the dev team at their worst, we should consider them at their best and encourage them to try and make such more heroes in this mold. I’m pretty excited to see what they can come up with.


I’ll be honest, I haven’t played a lot of Bap. Tried him, it just wasn’t for me (i’m not great at hitscan, especially without a scope, and I don’t really care for grenades which is why I don’t play junk).

But I like the idea of him. I think you’re right, Bap is an excellent start in the right direction. I just want them to keep pursuing that line of thought and continue to give us supports that actually feel like supports, rather than dps who happen to be able to heal people.


An appeal implies intent. Have the developers stated that they made Baptiste and Ana and Moira more combat focused to lure/appeal to DPS players?

Not really sure what you mean by “pure support”, but that sounds a lot like Moira. She does nothing but heal.

Damage Orb, DPSing Ult, and must do damage to refill the heal meter?

Come now.


There’s 3 things we need sooner rather than later.

  1. Another pure support. Currently the only one we’ve got is Mercy. If one does not like Mercy, then one cannot play a pure support.
  2. A main healer who’s sustain comes from not healing. Anti nade exists and hard counters any and all healing, so unless we have a main healer who keeps their team alive through something that isn’t healing, Ana will stay a must pick in high level ladder.
  3. A healer who the best solution to their existence is NOT get as close as possible and kill them. Seriously… currently every healer doesn’t want somebody all up in their face. That’s why Dive and Goats has been so prevalent and ranged DPS has almost never been meta.
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what do you mean by this?

Mercy would be a “pure support” because she hardly ever inflicts damage.
I do recommend actually using the pistol tho.

Ok, how about:
“Every new support has been made with damage or mechanics that appeal to players in other roles. Although i believe these have all been excellent additions, because of there success, i think the next support should be a love letter to the most hardcore support mains.”

Him and 76 have a lot of surface level similarities from their primaries to their healing abilities to their mobility tools. I feel a lot like a dps, especially Soldier 76, while playing Baptiste.

No, because appeal still implies intent.

My point is that you don’t know why the devs gave heroes certain abilities unless they specifically state it. Just because mercy was given a pistol doesn’t mean it was an appeal to DPS players to play mercy. Just because Brig was given a shield doesn’t mean it was an appeal to tank players.

I love my off-supports, but I’d be very happy with either (all of the new supports we’ve gotten have been a blast for me). Although, you know what kind of support I really want from my last hero concept. I’ve been craving a bodygurd-type tank/support hybrid since before Brig - and while she does kind of fill that role, it’s not really in a way I would like. Though perhaps Ego was more tank than support in terms of this thread.

I like a lot of the ideas mentioned here so far. To add in my own, I’ll mention again for others the healing ability I gave Ego because I think it would be really fun on any hero:

“Beacons” you shoot at allies to share healing between them. If one tagged ally gets healed, the rest of your tagged allies get healed for a percentage of that amount. Three beacons can be stacked on each ally, sharing 5% healing per beacon (numbers could be adjusted but you get the idea). The fire rate and magazine would make it very difficult to keep all 3 beacons up on all 5 allies while doing anything else, so you would have to prioritize who you’re keeping them up on or if you want to stack al 3 on a few allies or keep 1 to 2 on every ally.

A cleans would be kind useless right now since there isn’t much it could work on yet, but I agree that it would open the door for more things like that.

Placeable healing “totems” seem to be pretty popular whenever this topic comes up but I’m kinda meh on it. I prefer my healers to be active and as I like to bring up a lot whenever people suggest giving Symmetra healing turrets - stationary healers that can’t defend themselves are almost always going to be terrible.

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the only DPS thing about him is his left click, the only similarity to S76 is his burst fire, and regenerative field is press and forget instead of everyone having to stay couped up in one spot.

Are you suggesting that Brig wasn’t intentionally made as a tanky support?

This weird focus on “intent” is besides the point, Moira and Brig are undeniably damage-oriented healers in that they depend on doing damage in order to consistently be able to heal.

Ana’s primary heal is literally a sniper rifle.
Bap is the billionth new hitscan character.

Zen and Lucio don’t even have to focus on who they’re healing. As long as they stay near their teammates, they’re free to pour 95% of their focus into attacking the enemy.

The only healer who can focus primarily on healing, and only has damage-dealing capability as an afterthought that you literally have to switch weapons to use, is Mercy.

I’m not saying all the other healers are bad, they aren’t. But regardless of “intent”, every single healer aside from Mercy is at least to some degree a part-time dps.

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No. I’m saying that we can’t assume that she was made to be tanky in order to appeal to tank players because we don’t know why the devs made her tanky. To say they did it so tank players would play her is a bit shortsighted.

Ok fair enough, but why does that matter? She is tanky, and many tank players will find her appealing because of this, regardless of whether that was the dev’s intent (although I think in this case it pretty obviously was, but I digress…)

Regardless of whether they intended to make healers appeal to dps players, we are now asking them to deliberately make healers that would appeal to people who want to heal.

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It matters because OP’s statement seemed (I don’t think it was their intention) to assert that the new healers were made specifically to draw in DPS players.

By all means according to what you’re saying, Baptiste’s large healing and immortality field already do appeal to people who want to heal.


I mean she does nothing but heal as her support abilities. She only needs to do about 50 damage to completely fill her metre as well.

Yeah. I’m for a pure support and pure tank.