Should the Next Support be a "pure support"?

My idea was basically:

  1. A low-damage aoe pulse that knocked people away in all directions (trying to make space without being a Rein/Orisa clone)

  2. The anti-armor “weapon sabotage” that would make it safer for squishies to operate without necessarily having to stack burst healers

  3. A smaller version of Sym’s old photon barrier. Like frisbee sized. After the first two abilities I realized my tank concept was pretty great for close range, but kinda useless against snipers. So I figured I’d give him a small flying shield that could be aimed at a sniper so that they’d either have to break it, wait for it to despawn, or move to another position. Not as strong as a proper anchor tank’s barrier, but able to buy enough time for their teammates to get to safer ground.

The main problem I ran into is the inconsistent ability to body-block, and the fact that nobody likes CC.

Your anti-Lucio idea sounds really fun, but it might suffer from some of the same problems as my idea, namely that no one is going to want to be on the receiving end of it :stuck_out_tongue:

The idea was mostly to create more variety in the tank line-up, while also making dps more viable, ultimately providing more alternatives to GOATS without actually enforcing the 2-2-2.

As for keeping it on zarya… I hadn’t worked out cooldowns and numbers yet, but I don’t honestly think it would keep a good zarya down too much. Low charge zarya would be like Winston’s tickle gun, but a full charge damage-suppressed zarya might be equivalent to a 75% charged normal zarya: still scary, just not quite as scary as before.