Should Storm Arrow be able to headshot?

I don’t think you understand how much of a buff the projectile speed and lunge were. I’d let him keep storm arrow and lose either one of those, but I think it would be a terrible balance decision. Those are what make him so good now.

It’s like with junkrat. Everyone wanted the tire speed nerfed. Junk mains kept saying no its fine, and arguing with everyone. Instead they nerfed his primary size. I don’t like junkrat, but that is a bad nerf to his character. Fixing the tire speed was the better option.

Hanzo is in the same place, and I guarantee he gets some sort of nerf. For his character, I promise you it is better if that something is storm arrow, and not his projectile speed or movement.

That’s an awfully lame justification for a cooldown ability, in my opinion.

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you are making it sound like it was cake. which isn’t

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It’s not a justification for anything, just a minor correction on something you said about FtH.

I don’t care about your promises or what you think you know about what will inevitably happen in this video game. I’m simply pointing out that your suggestion of a fifty percent nerf to an ability is dumb. It’s not going to happen, and you shouldn’t have publicly said something so preposterous.

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FTH is very useless. I think there’s a better use to Mccrees 6 rounds than to use them on a barrier.

FTH needs work, imo it’s damage potential and reliability should be increased again so it’s atleast useful to punish anyone who gets too close.

I wasn’t being serious about a 50% buff. I was simply pointing out that if you want to keep headshots, the overall damage will have to be tuned down.

Perhaps I just worded it poorly, but my point was that his mobility gives him far better ways to approach and Orisa than trying o brawl her across her barrier. Apologies if there was a misunderstanding there.

Regardless, the idea of removing headshots from the marksman character just doesn’t make any sense. People complained that Scatter required no aim, now they want his replacement ability to require less aim.

Which really cuts to the truth - the real problem is that people just don’t think Hanzo should have any sort of high burst damage.

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I partially agree but I also think that FtH is the least interesting part of his kit. If McCree became meta again solely due to FtH it would be pretty lame imo.

This sounds pretty extreme but I would rather McCree be buffed by scrapping FtH entirely and giving him something with more applicability than killing Doomfist and breaking Winston bubbles.

Are you insane?
Thats the very reason they nerfed it. Dude it does 270 damage if you nail all the bullets and its not that hard.
It DOESNT have a CD, you just need to reload. What do you want, a 6 sec CD that does full damage? 420 damage?.
Thats never going to happen. FTH is not going to change simply because theres no reason to, you have the combat roll to combine it.

As for the topic Storm Arrow needs looking at but I would be a bit annoyed if it got headshots taken away, since then it literally becomes just a spam ability.

Personally I’d increase the cooldown, reduce the amount of time the ability is active for, take an arrow away, reduce the damage to 70 or 75 or some combination of the aforementioned before making it a body shot only ability.

There are many good uses of FTH on barriers. e.g. if a Winston jumps on your team and places a barrier, you want to burn it down. FTH is 270 burst damage - combined with a roll thats 540 damage in just a few seconds.

he cant even one-shot with the ability now…only on tracer because her health is so low…

With a Mercy damage boost or a Discord he can. If they drop it to 75 then it will do 195 with Mercy damage boost or Discord.

So, between landing a skillshot, using his e, and being boosted, he shouldn’t be able to 1-shot?

That’s two characters working together though.

Replace the Mercy with a Soldier who is shooting the same target, and the damage is probably even higher.

the fact that it’s a combo and not a common thing makes your point moot. especially since that’s hardly unreasonable numbers.

FtH needs to be 70dmg per bullet again but on an 8-sec cool-down…

Zen or Mercy are very common support picks though. It’s not very difficult to do either.