Should Reaper's damage block healing?

Would it be too dumb if Reaper’s guns blocked healing in a time that was correlated to how much damage he dealt?

After all, the same thing happened in the lore reveal.

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it would be too OP imo that said he does need buffs to be good but those buffs wouldnt be fun, anti nade sucks already

maybe an ability he can use every 8 seconds or so would work though


Yeah I think that would be way too op. Maybe as a temporary ability in a rework, but lore works differently than in game abilities when it comes to balance.

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Still think this is a good idea.

It shouldn’t be completely nullified and only reduced.
Example: 50 HPS turns into 30 HPS if someone was hit by Reaper Shotgun heavily

You could sit 100m away and still block healing since he has no range limit

I would like to see the effects of doubling Shadow Step’s range or removing the range limit entirely.

Being able to get into the backline faster than even Hammond or Sombra might actually justify the long cast time and how vulnerable Reaper is when using it.

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passive where he applies “darkness” to his target reducing armor or something

His bullets are so infused with the fires of hell that each shot burns in your body causing minor damage over time for a short while. Something like 0.2 damage per shot pellet landed over 0.5 second or something.

Or it like reignites later to cause damage several seconds later.

Would be completely broken if it worked 1:1 as Ana’s anti-heal does, but I could see a 5% to 10% heal reduction.

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It wouldn’t be OP if it was integrated into a cooldown ability.

Would be OP if it blocked healing. But maybe decrease the healing received by something like 25% or so. After all, Jack’s wound WAS getting healed in the story. It was just slower than usual.