Should I make a smurf account?

I’m getting really, really tired of loading a QP and seeing someone 1500+ SR dominate than anyone the entire game. It seemingly happens every game nowadays. The matchmaker is so beyond fudged up that it’s not fun to QP.

Maybe I should load up a new count, lose countless of games, and actually have fun games. I heard the low brackets are a really good time for this.

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Yes. Because the way to resolve a problem is to add to it. Thumbs up from me. :+1:



It won’t make a difference for long. QP is always going to prioritize quick matchmaking over skill and it’s still going to put you with those players after a few games. I’m a high-ranked console player and I just started a PC account recently and it had me in games with masters+ before I hit level 10. Competitive is there for people who want to only play with people of similar skill.

Throwing to get to bronze is a ban-able offense, and it’s not worth the $40

I really dont understand this alt and smurf account thing. You are paying for the same game second third times for what? You simply reward Blizz’s unbalanced game with more money than come here and cry about how bad this game is.
Dont buy another accounts play with the one you have.

Hanqz, how do you make your text small?

Use the small tag .


You have to put <small> in front of your text. Keep putting <small> tags next to each other to make it even smaller.

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thx senpai.

If the problem hasn’t been solved in two+ years, I doubt it will be solved.

So I don’t see the issue with “contributing to the problem” if it will produce more fun for me.

I’d rather not get slapped around seemingly every game. I would prefer to enjoy myself.

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You do you, but then don’t say this.

When you are part of the problem.

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I’d rather then contribute to the problem then, I suppose.

It doesn’t change the fact that matchmaker is poo and entices people to do this in order to have fun. There should be no reason why an almost GM player is queued against golds/plats-- especially considering most players play in this bracket so it should be incredibly simple to queue these people together.