Should Echo's Bunnyhop Be Removed?

When Echo uses her flight ability she can immediately cancel it and carry forward the momentum of her initial boost until something forces her to lose it (usually hitting the ground). This allows her to traverse long distances in seconds, giving her mobility unrivaled by even Wrecking Ball.

Other techs of this nature have been removed, most notably Mercy’s bunnyhop which was almost identical (later added as a feature) and Genji’s Ledge Dash. In addition, Brigitte got her Bash and Rocket Flail techs removed.

There are a number of smaller techs that still exist in the game, although they all have one thing in common: none of them grant you more than a few feet of movement. This includes Moira’s fade, Reinhardt’s charge, Winston’s jump, Doomfist’s punch, Windowmaker’s hook, and D.Va’s booster.

So do you think this tech should be removed or altered? Why or why not? Explain your answers. (This will be worth 15% of your final grade)

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I’m torn because things like this are the reason I even play this game, but on the other hand hers is a bit too good.


But note that the official version of bunnyhop goes about 30% as far/fast as the original version, so they’ll probably patch this Echo tech out and replace with an official one 60% weaker

no. Let one hero have some tech for once and not get removed. give it to other heroes or just nerf how good it is.
There are 3 ways of doing her bunnyhop anyway

  • Normal Flight and continue with glide
  • Flight cancel but not done fast enough but still enough to glide and bunnyhop
  • and instant flight cancel which allows you to go zroom

It is nowhere near the levels of Genji ledge cancel or the pre-neutered Mercy slingshot. As far as I know, only one bunny-hop is allowed, and my impression is that it’s actually coded in on purpose as a QoL feature, to prevent annoying loss of momentum when the tip of toe brushes on some ledge as you fly over it.
I could be wrong though.

No… Just leave it.

If the devs is think it’s too good, they’ll patch it out. And if they don’t, they won’t.

Why do I feel like this is just gonna turn into the Superjump controversy…?

Because everything turns into a superjump controversy. We could be talking about political unrest in the East and it would turn into a superjump controversy. If it turns into one here, it’s probably your fault for bringing it up though.

Update: bunnyhop has been patched

you seem to have real big “a bit” :smiley:

i mean to cover entire map in few seconds not even remotely close to be called “a bit too good”

Yes. It is absurdly over powered

It will be removed, no question

It should get nerfed a bit, there’s already a video of echo killing someone in nepal sanctum before they even got to the first mega pack from their spawn

It already has been, a new PTR patch has went live like 10 minutes ago or something fixing it.

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A bit?!

You can jump from Eichenwalde defense spawn doors and land on the first choke bridge in 4 seconds flat.

You can jump out of Nepal Sanctum doors, land on the outside Mega area, then jump again and be behind the enemy team BEFORE characters without mobility can get up the stairs and into the building.

It’s flat out broken, by a long shot.

This is NOTHING like Mercy’s super jump. Echo is literally the most mobile character in game by miles.

Didn’t it already get fixed???

Indeed, the movement techs with Echo have been patched now. I had fun while they lasted, but I’m glad they’re gone.