Shop Unavailable, No Credits/Coins, and the BP isn’t loading

As per the title, my game is constantly telling me that the “Shop is unavailable. Please try again later.” In addition to this, my game is telling me I have 0 OW Coins and 0 credits. When I earn new ones, they pop up and stay until I close and reopen the game, and then they’re gone again. Also, the battlepass isn’t showing any of the tiers and it replaces all of the icon images with three loading dots in every level. I have tried closing and opening the game multiple times, logging out and logging back in, and verifying file integrity nearly 3 times now. All of which have done nothing. It’s been like this for a few days now and I am unsure as to what to do now so I’m making this post. I don’t use a VPN, and I am a college student using decent dorm wifi. I’ve never had a problem like this until recently. Please help if you can!


Hello! Our team is trying to look into this, thank you for the detailed report. Quick question for you, if you go to the the Overwatch shop on the Battle,net app, are you able to see the store there, along with your overwatch coins balance, or are you getting errors in the app as well?

Open app, go to “Shop” at the top, and then click the Overwatch option from the top bar to check.

Thank you and apologies for this issue!


Is this being addressed comprehensively across all accounts? My fiance and ai are encountering these same issues and would like to have them resolved!

When I try to access the shop it won’t let me unless I use my cellular data. It gives me the 403 error. I use T-Mobile on my phone and have AT&T home internet.

Hi Bee! Thank you for the timely response! I’m glad you guys are looking into it!

When I try to open the Overwatch shop through, I get a pop up saying “We couldn’t load that. We’re having problems loading some content. Please try reloading this page using the button below. Thanks! Error code: BLZBNTBNA000007D0 (2403)” It looks like the entire blizzard shop is down because I get that message even if I click the normal shop button without anything else. Thanks again!

This exact scenario is happening to me as well, my shop in the app also says “we couldn’t load that” and when I try to login to blizzard on my chrome it gives me a 403 forbidden page. I tried some of the network hot fixes on the site it recommends but they didn’t work, I feel like it’s related. I don’t no the reason why this occurred but when it occurred my power went out forcing my pc off, I was in a comp match and I joined back and then when the match was over I noticed my in game shop was unavailable and my coins where gone. I’m also not able to buy any coins nor the battle pass. Hope this helps

Hey bee I know I’m not apart of this but I thought id tell you my side too since I’m coming across this, if you go to “Blizzard,net” the shop in overwatch works slow but fine. But once you click the overwatch game on the middle it usually shows announcements, but now it doesn’t it just says error. Once you load up the game the shop is unavailable and the battle pass has 3 “. . .” For every icon. I lost all my coins and legacy credits, and now my mythic coins… I can see that I’m not the only one dealing with this which is kinda nice.

I hope this bug gets fixed soon seeing this is a pc Type bug. I’d assume it isn’t my wifi because it is very good.

Like stated what the original poster said, the game worked just fine until a week or two ago. I was able to use the shop and buy skins just fine at 4/11/24 but now it broke after that day.

for all who is having the currency bug, turn off ur VPN if you arent using a VPN, restart ur router and then restart ur computer. This worked for me! my currency is back!

love Kaylena :slight_smile: :slight_smile:

Wow you got an actual game producer to respond. If only they cared about other bugs they way they care about shop bugs.

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Hello all, we made some changes based on your reports. When y’all have a second, would you be able to retry and let me know if you all are still having issues? Thanks again.

Hi Bee, this is now fixed on my end. Thank you for your support!!

I was having the same issue as the others and its now fixed on my end. Thank you for the communication.

This bug is still here for me. What luck… The battle pass is unable to be viewed still, my shop is gone. And so are my coins. Greatttt.

I can’t even view the news on what they post on the overwatch game before clicking “launch” it just says oops something went wrong we had trouble loading your connection

For me personally, all my coins are back and I can view the battle pass normally and I’m able to buy coins. Whatever y’all did, it worked for me Ty

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What did you guys Exacly do? Just log into overwatch? I still cannot see announcements or shop or battle pass and my credits are gone

In blizzard,net as soon as I click home or overwatch, it gives me the same error. Which is probably something that’s preventing me from seeing the shops and battlepass

Guess I’m getting ignored :slightly_smiling_face: