Shatter goes through my shield

I was playing on eichenvalde and TWICE the enemy Reindhardt blatantly shatters through my shield. We lost both those fights of of that and it was a close game we probably could of won without this bug. This really isnt helping when im trying to climb to plat on tank.

What were you playing then? Any video?

Rein, ive seen it on some streams too

Did this happen on Payload?

If not, watch the replay. If Reinhardt did not raise the shield there, then the whole thing is in ping and the developers cannot fix it.

ahhh might be that but it was a prediction block so i had it up for at least a good half second

Can’t watch Replay? It shows what was happening on the server.

Oh no i cant rn sorry, i think the next time i will play will prob be friday but thats a while

Anyway, I have listed 2 main problems, one of which can be fixed and I have already created a thread with it.

There could be more, but unfortunately it will be difficult to find without replay.