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Oh cheers mate, appreciated. :slight_smile:

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My pleasure!

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I have no idea whatsoever.

Thank you, thank you for the links. What matter of witchcraft did you use to do those?

I can’t tell you how hard I laughed when my friends & I saw that Torb POTG. That’s some classic Torb stuff from me.

Also, I screamed pretty loud when I knocked that Torb off of the edge at Necropolis. Like, “Why did I do that?!”, kinda scream.

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The power of level three.
Here’s all you need to know about it in this thread : I'm a Level 3 User now?!

I got a quadruple kill with Junkrat’s death mines. It was hilarious. Only a highlight tho, not PotG. Two of the final blows were from Tac Visor, but after re-watching it many times I determined that the majority of damage for all four enemies were from my death bombs.

I can’t include links in my post. :frowning:

After 3 months of noob support playing, I finally got my first Mercy POTG today but shutting down the opposing Pharah’s Rocket Barrage.

It wasn’t the only time, I kept shooting Pharah out of her Barrage on the same point defense until she obliterated my Mercy with her last one in the final seconds of the game but my team held out to win.

I wanted to cry when the intro popped out and a few players went “Huh?!”

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Ahh, but I can include them for you ;]

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These are my precious:



Lucio POTG:

Here you go :]
Edit: :thinking: the top one seems not to be working, could you check the link again?

We can all agree this is the best POTG in the overwatch history so far.

Me and Jelly on Route 66


Here’s another Doomfist potg

This is why i love zarya

this one is just funny, watch the killfeed
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screw it here is all of my potgs and highlights

I wish I could show my potg but it was before record highlights were a thing.
It was a 1v6 genji team kill :smiley: I thought I was like the best genji after that, and is the only reason why this is my player icon.