Share your favorite POTG Here ⬇️

God, I hate seeing these threads because I had a quintuple bastion potg rolling in on one of those platforms on volsakya but I accidentally deleted it :pensive:
Heres the only one I have recorded as of now. It is pretty lame though.

Well bliz hates me so no trust lvl 3

h ttps://

h ttps://

The Crosshairless, invisible Sombra, jumpshot, quad feed.


These two are still my favorite. It’s completely unnecessary to do this as junkrat but oh so satisfying :rofl:


I would post an Ana play I got but Idk how to since it won’t let me post my own link

You can use the </> button for your link. :slightly_smiling_face:
Posting embedded videos and hyperlinks requires trust level 3.

Btw CoolBiz you should use upload studio

I put this on my YouTube channel to share it, apparently damage boost caps at 70% sadly ;_; but it’s already been put on the thumbnail and in the title so I’m just leaving it XD. It’s still beautiful.

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i had a 4 man kill with blade yesterday, which was nice. and the best part was that they had a briggite stunning me in the middle of that blade.

But this one is nice too.

h ttps://

I have all of my best plays on this video.

Not trying to self promote, i just have a 6 kill POTG and no other way to show it in this thread.

Since silentsword isn’t here i would link it for you.
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Thank you. I didn’t know how to do links on here.

Watching some of these PoTGs I realize how much fun it must be playing in lower ranks…

watch?v=gfAZaPh9t0c <youtube




2 vids with a few of em
h ttps://
h ttps://

Reminds me of Carbot’s animated version but live. I’m pretty sure he was inspired by this one.

Love both of them.

http s://

I couldn’t decide between either of these, they were both too hilarious

Don’t ask what I was doing in this, normally i wouldn’t go suicide into a team lol.

And RIP Sym, you will be missed.

Not exactly my favourite, but very recent:

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