Share your dumb ingame experiences!

i was duo-ing with my friend on a low ranked account (2200) and we played this game on hollywood. we had this wonderful team, and we had this especially good orisa. we steam rolled on attack, i think with 3 or 4 mins left on the clock. round two comes around, our really good orisa goes winston for defence. i immediatly think “winston on defence? okay…” and walk my little mercy feet to set up on point. i look behind me to see who is left in spawn, and see out of the corner of my eye, the winston doing his DUMB dancing emote on point 3 highground. he did this for the rest of the game, then decided to leave
it is beyond me how people have the audacity to throw, let alone THROW on a game we could have easily won. keep in mind there was nothing to warrant them getting upset, there was no toxicity in voice or in chat.

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I just played a game yesterday where we were winning and on the second round they left. Should have been a win and we got rather close as a 4v6 but didn’t manage to pull it off.

I think dumb experience though was with Lucioball where I scored on my own team. Guess I’m pretty bad at lucioball…

Spent an entire overtime shooting at my Rein by mistake because both Reins had the Stonehardt skin equipped and I couldn’t spot the red outline in the heat of the battle


I missed the hook on the dva bomb so my team didn’t die


I hacked a ball he stood still and left the game

Happens with 99% of ball players


Never forget half the players are 14 year old half-savages. When you do, all the behaviors make sense.

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Yesterday I was playing on autopilot and tried to flash a tire :frowning:


recently i met a group of people to que together on the game and they bring a new player with them so we started leveling him up to play competitive modes.

On a quickplay ( 2-2-2) he picked reindhart, he didnt have a clue of what he was doing, so he charged to the enemy team and he was so lucky he threw 3 enemies to the abysm ( suiciding himself lol) so enemy team started to acuse him to be a smurf we couldnt stop laughing


With my first ever ultimate, I blew myself up.

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Lijiang Tower. We’re practically spawn-camping the enemy. I decided to launch a cheeky D.Vabomb into the courtyard right as their Reinhardt makes a mad dash for the entrance.

He charges into my Baby D.Va. It’s over. I’m done for. They’re going to be hosing Mt. Dew off the walls soon.


Mech explodes, killing Reinhardt, stopping him mid-charge.

It wasn’t dumb per se, but it was funny with all the events that lined up.

They’re barely even human. I vote we drive them from our shores.

Wait, actually dumb story I remember. Attack on Eichenwald. Our Mercy was drunk and wouldn’t stop rambling in chat about Taco Bell.


I got a 6k as doom on oasis in a 2v6 situation. Didn’t know it was possible for an entire enemy team to be that unaware but hey I’ll take it.


We had a Cree who kept feeding their brains out. They would just constantly push in front of the tanks, try to flank the opponents and do stuff like that. Then they started blaming the healers and calling us plats. Of course they choose to call us plats because their career high was nearly 3k flat. When they were called out on their bs they started calling other players white knights and basically drew all the top 5 washed up excuses to be toxic towards others. After reporting that player I got the thank you for reporting card, which was pretty nice :slight_smile:


my boyfriend and i joined a comp group. eichenwalde, defense, second checkpoint. our team was pushing them hard to get late kills and one of my teammates (can’t remember what he played) went up the bridge on the left and i decided to go with him. people were talking, everything was fine and dandy.
until the enemy rein charged me out of nowhere and i screamed “daddy”.
literally everyone was silent when i shouted and after i died i just heard someone say “did she just say daddy?”
that’s both the most embarassing and hilarious moment i’ve had in overwatch, with me being the perpetrator lmao

another good story happened in quick play. this was before role queue was implemented.
my bf and i played quick play. he picked reinhardt, i picked mercy. this happened on numbani defense, first point.
i walked to the point and didn’t realize he was still in spawn. i only realized after he came charging after me, did the communication wheel “hello” while he went past me and charged straight off the cliff and died. that’s one of my favorite memories tbh :blush:

  1. Primal Rage myself into the ring around Lijang Tower
  2. Charged myself off a cliff with a Genji only to see the Genji dashed back up
  3. Let a Mccree full charged and kill the entire team when he was in farting distance… behind me (this just happened 2 games ago and boy was I feel stupid).
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Back when Hanzo had scatter, I was returning to fight to get first point in Numbani, I walked out of spawn as Orisa, was headshot and died.

Replay showed that I died to Hanzo standing on fenced ledge behind the 2nd bus in the game firing scatter into the wall before that 2nd bus. Apparently the scatter arrow could bounce from that point all the way to spawn.

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i kept trying to superjump rez in a game and i kept just guardian angel’ing and not getting ready for a superjump rez. So basically I fed 2 times on accident.