Shanghai Dragons vs. Chengdu Hunters - FINAL

that may have been an NA Blade, but after seeing all the goat ults over and over, i’m just happy seeing a blade in owl

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Dang…the Dragons went IN!

Sooo how did Phara use her E while hacked?

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Dragons are looking good today. But they have been here before.

Naisu! Dragons get Numbani!

Was that a C9? Can’t tell anymore lol.

Mostly. The teamfight was still active, but the Hunters failed to pay attention to the objective when time expired.

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Technically speaking they’ve only ever been 2-0 up once before, and that was last week against Boston

I was told Genji is OP and nanoblade can’t be stopped, also Barrage equals instant death.

A c9 is when one team forgets the objective to chase kills only to lose because the objective was still in control by the enemy in some shape or form.


Are you sure? I thought last season they got 2-0 before then got reverse swept. I could be wrong.

Though a true C9 is when a team does win the teamfight, but fails to maintain the objective which ends the match in the other team’s favor.

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No, closest was a few occasions where they led 2-1 (against Florida, Dallas, and I think one of their games against Philly)

I stand corrected then. Glad they are doing better.

Lol, yeah they spam the hell out of that phrase on the twitch chat. I’m usually like “what?”

Now they are spamming Chinese chat in the English Twitch Chat

Well that was quick.

87 (EIGHTY SEVEN) Seconds!

Clean sweep there…not bad.
Dragons needed something to challenge that Pharah.