Severe frame drop issues

Has anyone else recently been experiencing crippling lag and frame drops? My PC isn’t very suitable for gaming, but I can consistently run at around 60fps, which I am accustomed to. However, as of late, I’ve been nosediving to 20fps midgame, which is heavily affecting gameplay. I hope I’m not the only one with this issue so Blizzard will address it! Thanks :grin:


These standard tips can help resolve most Overwatch FPS drops:

Also here are advanced tips I have written that maximize your FPS performance in the game.

Hello I’m having severe FPS drops as well after the big Windows 10 update that came out some time in May and after AMD GPU update went to 18.5.2. I lowered my graphic settings to high to see if that fixed it, but obviously it didn’t. After every few updates either with Windows or with AMD Overwatch has a lot of issues ranging from FPS drops to full on crashes. I’ve posted before on a crashes forum of my specs, and nothing has changed since then and before those updates Overwatch played completely fine on the highest graphical settings. Is there anything in the works to fix this?

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I am so glad I found this post because I thought I was going crazy.

Updated to 18.5.2 today, and have been getting insane frame drops during battles.

Thinking about downgrading to be honest.