Set health types?

Is there a way to set the amount of health/armor/shields/temphealth a character has? I wasn’t able to find where to alter these values anywhere.

The two ways that I know of is using the basic custom settings for heroes where you can adjust the overall percentage of their health for all or individually. This will only adjust their current base health and also shields/barriers as a whole by that percentage from 1 to 500% I think.

The other is using the Action Add Health Pool (I think), and you can select the various types of health settings for the hero when they spawn in. However, as far as I know, you can’t just set it as a default health or remove the base health. You can try to use the first method to reduce as much health as possible then the second to add, but I think some percentage of their other health type will remain.

For example, Brigitte with 150 HP and 50 Armor, I might set her HP to 10% so she’ll have like 15 HP and 5 Armor, then I add other other values. I tend not to use this method if I want to keep the shield values. Sadly, it’s hard to raise shield/barrier health without also raising the players base health, not sure if there is a way.