Server problems july 14 2018?

yup all my friends (west and east coast) and I disconnected just now. server problems.

haha was bout to do the same. just wanted to check if i ain’t alone.

Woo hoo second time in a week ive lost 50 sr cause of server crashing. And to get back into the game i had to wait nehind 2000 people

Unexpected server error and long queues here too. Hope SR gets rolled back an hour/ a few minutes before it happened.

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let’s hope so. i didn’t lose sr this time, but i have before

count me in as well. massive crash

#AtLeastWeHaveSteam :grinning:

i haven’t tried to get back. anyone?

Same. Just got booted out of a comp game. The previous game we lost 4 players and the game before that we lost because one guy on our team got disconnected in a close match on junkertown. Guessing that’s 23 SR for the junkertown loss and then another 50 for being disconnected from a comp game before it began.

Maybe not compensation, but the sr system should be able to differentiate between server issues and someone just leaving.

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5-10min queue to not even make it to menu. Wouldn’t bother re-logging

@DaQueen nah, we should get compensated. This has happened at most three times so I’ve heard and people have dropped ranks because of it. This is ridiculous.

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Nope you wont make any progress back because of how the devs cant actually change the sr of people. If the servers crash you are just out of luck

yeah; PC server down but the trippy thing my roommate didnt lose connection. We were in the same game too.

I can’t agree with you more here. It is NOT our fault they THEIR server kicked us off! I’d be all for complimentary 100 SR, but I’ll take just not losing any.

Cause really…come on Blizz…

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honestly, this is a sign I should fold my laundry and go to sleep.

Me…disconnect due to a server error/crash



the servers might be putting a choke on number of players on their servers.

it’s random, so some people will stay while others get the boot.

I think someone is upset with the competitive matchmaker

Same here, east coast this is already 2nd time for me. In competition and got kicked , automatically lose the game. Blizzards needs to do something for this problems. They only say they can not support or restore the point. This is not the way that maintenance or technical team should answer. Since it happened more than two times already PLEASE DO something that users can accept. PLEASE.