Server Error in Ranked

Im now banned for 5 hours and lost 4 games that I did not play . Every time a I searched for a match Today in Ranked it will enter a a match then suddenly disconnects. This is not happening in Quickplay matches, its only in Ranked matches . can you please clear my ban & maybe fix the servers . Thank you

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The bans will not be cleared as all disconnections will count as leaving the match (even those that you fail to load into). The reason why you are seeing this in Competitive Matches and not other modes is because, in casual matchmaking modes like Quick Play, the search queue will simply keep searching for a match if there is an error connecting to the game server of that match. In Competitive, once you are assigned to a match, that is your match and to leave it at the start is considered queue-dodging. This can be frustrating when you are not doing this intentionally, so the best course of action is to avoid Competitive Play and carefully work through some troubleshooting steps:

  • Make sure you are not attempting to block any IP addresses in a vain attempt to control which data center you are being assigned a match. Doing so can result in this error.
  • Make sure nothing in your local home network is working correctly. If you are unsure of what to check, review this guide: Overwatch 2 Disconnection Problems - Blizzard Support
  • If nothing appears to help, you may want to try to run some WinMTR tests. Since you specified you can’t even log into the game, you will want to try to load one of the pre-provided IP addresses that matches your closest datacenter. Post the results here if you need help figuring out the results and identify any potential problems.

This is correct . i blocked the Arab servers since its full of smurfs & no English speakers . But i have been playing like that for months now with out this issue . this started today .Can you please put the Arab server in the drop down menu like the others so that we dont have to block servers .

I will unblock the servers & let me see if the problem continues .

The region selected no longer matters for anyone, since the introduction of the Global Play update this summer the region you select in the BattleNet app launcher no longer affects the matchmaking in Overwatch. Click here for more details:

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Thank you for the help