Seriously does Zarya have any counter?

destroy the bubble with reaper is the best way to do it. it takes 2-3 shots to break and then you can just headshot her while you use wraith to escape from death if needed

Don’t miss! :rage:

Ever heard of natural cover?

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She went behind a wall…

Or she’s chasing me and she has double of my hp anyway

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Zarya has little/no effective range. Widow, soldier, cree, hanzo, and ekko can poop on her if played right.

Oh, well in that case, rage at your team and blame them for everything! :slight_smile:

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  • not shoot her bubbles
  • better tank play
  • heroes that do low damage and are not spammy (eg Tracer)
  • snipers (she has a big head and relatively low HP)

If you take Sigma out if the equation, the better Rein Zarya duo will beat the enemy Rein Zarya and win the game most of the times. This game has always been tank-driven, tank is the carry role.

As DPS, it’s possible to influence the out ome still because most games tanks on each side will be approximately of similar skill.

It really is this. If the fight is committed, you have much more to gain by just popping the bubble and killing the tasty zarya inside than you do from holding back. If the fight is not yet committed, then absolutely avoid feeding power into her.

Zarya without bubble is probably the least tankiest of the tanks. Her bubble gives her a short term burst of tankiness that penalizes you for tickling her. In a lot of situations, popping the bubble is a better choice than holding back. It’s a tactical decision that depends on strategic situation. And what hero you are playing at the moment.


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zarya will chase u, no matter the cover.


Her counter is logic. Zarya or enemy bubbled? WAIT!
She is not nearly as scary without her charge.

it’s not hard…

the best option, assuming you’re locked dps, is to go reaper and nip her in the bud when the fighting starts. reaper can’t really poke, so no accidental feeding her before the fight really starts. this works best in my mind with a wrecking ball to keep the rest of them busy

Your options is stall, flee or kill. If you have a hero with a stall ability like Mei or reaper feel free to use it till the bubble is done. If you can’t do that you can flee if you have any mobility. Zarya is rather slow and you can often lead a Zarya out of position as she chases down the “easy kill”.

All else fails kill her, like others have said she only has 400hp+ the bubble with no armor. If you can keep it to mid range her orbs are nearly useless and you should win any engagement at mid range. If up close just make her miss as much as possible, her reload is harsh and ammo burns fast. All else fails to try and fight on a health pack, that little edge usually lets you win.

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Some of the heroes might give her too much charges like Bastion or Tracer to Zarya, however depends on what her hp is, look for her hp. Circle around her, she is the worst when she is out of position and she has no way to get out of this and will die faster than Reinhardt. If Zarya is 200hp and she bubbles in front of you? Ignore it and shoot her till she dies.

Knowing when to focus the bubble is important, but I dunno if I’d call it a counter… :thinking:

As a frequent Zarya-er I hate playing into hitscans and barriers cos I can’t build up enough energy to be relevant or do damage to things behind the barrier. Playing into Rein is terrible unless you have your own Rein (which is almost always the case.

Anything ranged is a pain to deal with too. Bubble is good for purging anti nades and fire but you don’t get energy for it. If you have a main tank like rein and an objective it mitigates this immensely however :man_shrugging:t2:

then you are ded :V .

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The fact 8 people like this is worrying

Zarya has plenty of counterplay. Most of which exploit her extremely low mobility and range and if you’re smart You will know to engage and punish her when she’s low charge and/or isolated from her team.

You need to work on positioning and awareness basically. Her mobility is so low and range is so limited that it’s pretty much a you problem if you constantly find yourself being killed in her effective range

Low mobility, low range and no utility outside of bubble btw

Agreed. People are narrow minded when asking for her to nerfed imo

her high damage potential and sustain balanced with low range and low mobility allows her to create space as a tank by demanding respect in her effective range. Lack of range and mobility being very exploitable by a majority of heroes

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Or get very close and personal with Reaper.