Seriously disappointed with matchmaker

Im low gold (2100’s) just played against a team who had a high platinum/low diamond player. We lost.

I can’t remember if he was qued up with someone of if he was solo, But regardless I truly don’t like that he is able to play in a gold game. When you are up to 2 ranks higher you should not be put in the position to effect the outcome of a low gold game.

This isn’t a thread blaming teammates, and Im not even mad we lost. Just saying I do think thats a flaw that just shouldn’t exist with matchmaker.


Both teams have about the same total group SR.
If 1 team has a very high person it would mean the rest of the group are all lower then you. If you can counter that one person, and no one duels him or ignore him, it should be an easy win.

Also ±1000SR doesnt say to much. In this game you could easily get +500 SR just by being carried all games, or got lucky with teams(your team get teamplayers, others not) at least in the gold branch.

So next time just play a counter and let someone else help you counter, play well together (all stay close to each other) And focus down this player first all the time.

But i agree the above is mostly important since the chance that 6 people will play well together in gold is very small. So it all depends on who has the most team players like normal. And not about who has the high rank/smurf. Just the higher skilled player will make like difference in team players more obvious. Make people tilt earlier, and play even worse together etc…
So even without the high player your team would have probably lost too.

your team had a better average SR

I understand how SR tries to work. Im just saying I think its huge flaw and mistake that a platinum/diamond player under any circumstance should be allowed in a low gold game.


Why i would love to be able to play with top500 players.
Or like in one of Jayne’s vid 5 bronze + 1 GM vs 5 bronze + 1 GM.
Those bronze players learned more in that one game then they could in a 1000 bronze games.

As long both teams total SR is equal, i rather have no limits.
With some luck the highest SR player takes the lead and does some tactic coaching and good shot calling.

Feels bad, nothing will be done about it however.

This is pointless in regards of balance, if they played in a group (probably since that is the only way for him to get into those matches) and his lower ranked players picked high skill floor heroes while he mains a mechanical demanding hero, you’ll almost always lose.
People in gold aren’t always aware of the counters and will continue to play high skill level heroes. That will play into his hands and make it easier for him to carry his team.
The less mistakes his team makes the easier it will be for him.
So all he has to do is what basically every player does in a all solo match when said player actually belongs in a higher elo:
Put his team into a winning position. (e.g. flanking backline and taking out supports etc.)

It depands on the hero he mains, mechanical skill requires less teamplay.
The game depands heavily on those groups hero picks.

This is false. Read below

His team most likey had a similar sized group but the total SR should be the same.


You were probably playing at a low traffic time of day for your server, and the matchmaker had to stretch what is allowed in a match. Serious question here: Would you rather not play the game at all? Because in that situation, there was most likely not enough people online in your rank to play with.

I would rather not play at all yes.

Well then that option is always available and this post was pointless.

Not really, cause it was my first game that this happened, then I stopped after that. Still doesn’t change that a lot of people dislike how many different ranks can be in one game.

If I’m properly informed, the tolerance limit is 60:40.

Match Maker works perfectly, the problem is that there are 2 factors that screw with the results HARD:
1 Premades with wide SR difference
2 SR gap of 1000 between groups/adversaries.

We know you get more SR and lose a lot less when you are the CLEAR underdog (MMR estimates your chances of winning are around 40%) but still … feels super bad.

SR gap should be 500 max, and also take into account the peak SR.
Its not funny playing with a deranked mid masters (3074 at that point) that is on the same group with a low gold player (2110 at the time).

The gold dude instalocks DPS and explodes in less than 5 sec in any battle/encounter. Good stuff.

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If my consideration, based on Scott Mercer’s explanation of the Matchmaker, is correct, the maximum SR difference should be approximately 500SR in Platinum and 600 SR in Diamond.

Its not like it pops up with a warning.
You just get tossed on a team with 3 silvers and a gold and it calls it a day.