Seriously? Ana buffs?

I miss Redeye. Playing him with the Grandeur was great, especially before Aimee came out (the gun was exclusive to Redeye up to that point).

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People in high ranks pick based on power and meta. This has been established over and over again.

If a hero is picked a lot in high ranks, it has nothing to do with how “fun” it is and everything to do with what people think will win them games.


A lot of people will also play heroes that are the most fun to play. The power of that is underestimated here.
And also support category has the least hero options for 2 players, which also should be always taken into account.

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please, cancel ana buff. don’t buff her plz.

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Oh noes our precious Ana is being downvoted by streamers and it’s numbers are going down by few. Must buff, buff. My precious.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s been nice not seeing her dumb old face in 99% of my games. My support buds have even enjoyed the break from her because they felt she’s a must pick in most situations.

I get they’re trying to lightly buff her, but it comes across as such a weird and obvious attempt to appease the people that do love her.


Of course. Not having Ana as a top-most-picked-overpowered-character would be racism according to the Blizzard diversity chart.


If she becomes a must pick again, I’m going to rally for her to be gutted.

It’s nice not having her forced every game. I don’t think this change will make her a must pick, but so help me if it does.


Really i thought the main thing for ana would be a revert to the nade nerfs not whatever this is. The nade duration and lower cooldown would have been good enough. Just the cooldown lowering could even have been enough.

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Its a partial revert. Ana got gutted from 100 → 60 → 90. Its still less than it used to be, but its going back to where it was.

Despite players bias against Ana, she’s still a relatively bad hero across the playerbase. More supports would generally do better not playing Ana since she’s hard to use.


Their only source of feedback is the GM/Top500 streamers, nothing else.

Most of the streamers complained that ana is bad. Flats, Karq, ML7, Spillo, Samito etc.

Was there not a video on here recently about KarQ singing praises for Ana? Maybe his opinion of Ana changed after dive

He did mentioned in one of his recent videos that now it takes 4 shots to kill a squishy as Ana, instead of 3 shots. And he has mentioned multiples times that Ana is weaker in S9.

It also takes more shots to kill Ana as well, and she still receives 50% healing from her own nade…

but I get it, she’s just not playable in a dive meta

yes, its the meta and the dps passives that is making her weak not that she’s in need of buffs.

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This is what I’m telling about this passive. Passive 20% (or 15%, 10%, whatever) value w/o doing anything is stupid and will cause nerfs and stupid changes in other areas of the game. Nerf some supports, remove dull passive

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I have already taken that stance the moment 5v5 came out (not due to the fact that it is introduced, but the fact that they introduced it due to their complete inability to balance 6v6). I still never gotten actioned so you don’t need to worry.

Her ult does 130. Not 100.

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Guess developers really want you to die of boredom, while shooting healing darts.

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