Serious question: Is smurfing cheating?

The definition varies; smurf = alt for a lot of people.

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Leave the game at the VERY beginning. No one loses SR but you. Technically still legal.

This only works so many time sin a row before you get suspended from Comp the entire season. My brother DC’d several games in a row because of his negligence and got suspended from Comp all of Season 5.

Huh, well clearly I’m no smurf then. What about playing fine and then leaving right at the end of the match and coming back in after the SR has been added/ subtracted do you know?

Well, lets say it like this: Blizzard earns money by that so everything is ok isnt it?
I dont even believe that they have a “whole crew” to spot those ones. I know so many smurfs (GM/M) in low elos, they play in Gold / Plat since more than 5 seasons. i even REPORTED them for smurfing and they still play this account. Whenever i meet a Smurf in my game, even in my team or the enemy team i report them, multiple times. Hopefully i get one of them banned before blizzard bans me for “report abuse”.

Smurfing is a disease and makes Competitive plays unplayable.


What about starting a new account to dodge a ban? This is something that happens a lot.


The question was about gaining unfair advantage, not starting an account …
See how blizard lies about simple things.


Leaving early for any reason will cause you to suffer leavers penalty of (typically 50 SR loss) and a Comp suspension. First time is 10 minutes, second time is like 30, then eventually goes up to 24 hours, weeks, and whole season.

Unsure how many times you have to DC in a season to get max penalty. I only ever got to 10 minutes due to power going out.

I never really consider smurfing cheating, but that is just me. To me, smurfing is really no different than an mmorpg where a lvl 80 players goes around pking level 50 players. It’s just called being a d*** and unsportsmanlike.


If throwing and boosting is against the rules why are all my team mates boosted?

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This is not true. I need to play atleast 10 hours in comp to reach grandmaster on new account.
The problem is after change in sr based system u always getting places in 3100-3400 at new acc no matter how well you play, but before u could be even placed in 4k+

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This is cute. Too bad it’s not working as intended. I’ve personally seen a newcomer to OW get stomped by two smurfs 5 out of his first 7 competitive games. He lost most of his placement matches thanks to smurfs (Season 11) and stopped playing the game.


Please, don’t bring the platchat to jeff, man. Completely unrelated.

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To clear the terms up.

Alt account - is another account that you try and play up to your real skill level. These are fine.

Smurf account - an account made to throw and get to a lower skill tier then your real skill level. Used to stomp lower skilled players and to throw to stay there. these are a problem.


What are you talking about :roll_eyes:

Lies I was in diamond playing against a Grand master Smurf.

He wiped us.

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So what are you doing about smurfing? You say you have a crew that works on boosting but you clearly are not working on smurfs otherwise we wouldn’t see people who admit they are 1k+ outside their main accounts SR… or the people who were GM/Top 500 sitting in Silver/Gold.

Seems to me boosting is less of an issue than smurfing. If you play far above or below your proper ELO the game should figure it out pretty quickly. Boosted players will get thrown back down quick and be a non-issue.


Spoken like a true profit-driven corporate man.


Except neither of them need falloff damage