❗ Separate balancing for OWL needs to be done

‘While destroying the game’s balance’

Yes that’s why I see heroes in OWL not being complained about on the forums, right?

Like Ana, Rein, McCree aren’t being complained about on the forums right? They aren’t the most picked heroes on ladder right?

Oh. Wait.

There might be a lot of players but… we dont buy as much as we did in past i believe, and game need money to keep on going. OWL actualy would not be a thing if it would not make cash.
So hard to say if we pay off more than esport actualy.

Maybe not on this forum, but if you go to r/CompetitiveOverwatch, then you will find a lot of backseat gamers/viewers who want to see hero changes based on owl.

This thread is basically the good ol’ balancing around the mass Vs balancing around high rank players, but with the high rank players being OWL this time.

This is always a good discussion to follow.

They won’t do this because they built the game from the ground up to be an Esport. Obviously they failed so badly it’s hilarious, but admitting to this kind of mistake is not something Blizzard of today will ever do.

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If you look at my post carefully, and analyze deeply into the darkest corners of my post, using the highest of IQ’s, like Chipsa’s 174 IQ, you will find this one line here:

It means I agree with balancing around OWL.

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If you did this then no OWL pro could ever play on ladder ever again.
Itd be an entirely different game :woman_shrugging: Plus, imo, it’d be pretty lame to be playing a different game than the pros. It would literally make OWL even more pointless to watch.


So we shouldn’t have what it already is ?
You’re even admitting yourself ladder games are already different from the OWL. Even just the format is different (best of 5 doesn’t exist on ladder).
Balance should acknowledge these differences, and be different as well. It’s best for everyone.
The whole “OWL is good marketing” ploy only really matters if maps, heroes and their kits (as in reworks and releases) and game modes differ.

Out of Winston, all of these heroes have received nerfs when they were subpar/trash on ladder, even in GM. Some several times (Sombra, D.Va and Mei).
Because either pros complained about them, or because they were played in OWL.


I never said in what way they are different and I’m also refering to streamer games.
My issue with those is that you often get people who cheat and actively try to throw the streamer’s games.

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Having a different game for the pros would make OWL impossible to watch for newcomers who play OW and might be interested in OWL, plus it’d make it impossible for aspiring pro players to grind their skills on ladder, in addition to established OWL players.

One of the main complaints about OW esports is that it’s rather difficult to watch compared to other esports, we don’t need to complicate things further. No other esport title has different pro and casual versions.

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Streamers or not, throwers or not, cheaters or not, the games are different regardless.
Ladder games aren’t played on LAN, by players that only ever full stack, communicate all the time, know each other and practice 6-8 hours a day together.


Exactly. It’s Blizzard who’s killing the game.

Obviously there’s a difference between teams who play together all the time and random 6 stacks, but the fundamentals of the game and how to play is not something that changes, there might be people who have different opinions of what they are or are unaware but that in itself is not enough to warrant having two completely balance directions.

Game balance should acknowledge the differences in playstyle. That’s already a thing in other sports.
My favorite example is basketball. The ruleset is different whether you play in the NBA, college, young teams, European championships, pro or not, etc. There’s as much rulesets as there are levels.


sombra was nerfed once because of owl. owl probably wasn’t the only contributing factor anyways but whatever. d.va also only has like one nerf that was “because” of owl. finally mei wasn’t nerfed when she was subpar/trash, she was nerfed when she was a good pick (even in ladder).

if heroes are being played consistently in owl, overshadowing other heroes, or maybe presenting other issues, why shouldn’t they be adjusted/nerfed?


The game should feel fun and balanced for the majority of the players
Not the 0,01% of the players that gets payed for playing 24/7.


If you balance around the highest potential of a hero, it’ll be balanced for less skilled players too, because they can’t get the max value out of that hero. Balancing around the casuals is how a game dies.

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No it wount. Look at Sombra for example.
Throwpick on ladder. Meta in OWL.


Pretty sure Sombra has been nerfed more than once in the game’s history.

It was literally the only place where she was played.

Three actually. Probably five, but two were when she was actually good on ladder.
DM cooldown, DM range and Boosters cooldown.

She wasn’t even a top five DPS in any tier, not even GM.

Because OWL doesn’t pick heroes based on their power level, but around synergies, utility and uniqueness.
Good examples of that are Lucio’s speed boost and D.Va’s DM.


It’s not a matter of difference in playstyle. Lacking the skill to pull off certain things is not a playstyle neither is being unwilling to play a team game as a team game.

Sombra isn’t a throw pick if your team is coordinating with her. That’s how she’s meant to be played. People consider her a throw pick because randoms on ladder don’t have the coordination to follow up on her hack targets or her EMPs. If you make her more of a solo hero to appease the casuals (while maintaining her current kit) then she’d actually become unbearable to play against.