Sensitivity Settings of Overwatch Pros

The average EDPI of ALL Overwatch pros is roughly 5000 (6.25 in game, 800 DPI).
The average EDPI for DPS players is roughly 4800 (6 in game, 800 DPI)
The average EDPI for Tank players is roughly 6800 (8.5 in game, 800 DPI)
The average EDPI for Support players is roughly 4400 (5.5 in game, 800 DPI)
For flex players? The average would be around 4800 EDPI (6 in game, 800 DPI).
Most Overwatch pros use 800 DPI
Most use 1080P monitors.
Almost every Overwatch pro uses 103 FOV.
Most pros play at mostly low, or all low video settings.
Interesting data to collect isn’t it? This should help people finding a good general sensitivity for Overwatch.
Also note, that the highest average of all of them (Support players) would take 32.25 cm or less to do a 360 [On average of course].
I still recommend going for a low sensitivity on most heroes however, but you will find a majority of pros using sensitivities requiring less that 35cm per 360.
(The lowest I personally can play at is 40.75CM per 360). [400 DPI, 8.5 in game if you’re curious]

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And here I thought 4.75 800 was too high x)

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Aren’t there pros that also use ridiculously low or high settings as well though? There’s no “effective golden zone” for mouse sens, most people have personal preferences like aiming with fingers/wrist instead of wrist/arm.


Does it though? I’m not sure if halving your edpi because a pro uses it is a good idea. Pretty sure it’s best to change it in small amounts so it isn’t such a drastic difference.

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I play at 8.5, 400 DPI, Genji: 20, 400 DPI, and Lucio/Zen/Ana, 10, 400 DPI

Geguri plays at like 15 sens 800 dpi and tracks like a god

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People who play Zarya generally play lower than 6800 EDPI, however this is considering ALL tanks, and Rein, Winston, Hog, require little aim (Besides hook, but you don’t have to have a low sens to land a lot of hooks.) so that’s why it’s pretty high.

They’re settings are mostly dependent on legacy gameplay of Quake and CS, where average sensitivities were done to acheive between 26-36 cm/360, on 4:3 monitors.

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You have people above 20000 and below 2000 eDPI. I’d be very careful about suggesting average values instead of median values or simply recommending experimenting with values under 10000.

Unless haksal changed it from Apex korea days, he plays at like 30 sens 800 dpi.

I play 1.3 at 8000 dpi for most of my hitscan and it works well for me. If I went to effective dpi of ~5000 that would be way too low.

Jesus christ that doesn’t even sound playable.

Yup, no idea how he did it. Only hero I can possibly imagine myself being somewhat capable of playing with that is mercy, since I dont need to be accurate at all. But he mainly played genji at the time.

Since she doesnt have to headshot, high sens makes god zarya aims

i play at 1 x 3100 dpi.
Opposite to you, I find setting 3600dpi on mouse as too high to accurately aim at anything.

So in the end its bad idea to copy someones settings lol

Yeah pretty much. Just depends on your overall situation. I don’t have a lot of room, and I don’t use my arm much. Mostly wrist.

That is correct. The only important thing is pixel skipping which should be avoided.

Sensitivity is largely a personal preference but there is a limit to it. From my own experience and “analyzing” other good players the average used range is from 86.59cm/360 to 14.59cm/360.

You can play at a super high sens, but you will not reach your full potential. Geguri does not have godly aim, nor does haksal. There ability to play at sich a high sens is quite impressive though.

My two favorite sensitivities are 400dpi, 8.5ig and 400dpi, 12ig.

Not really. Pixel skipping does not matter much at all.