Season 9: Catastrophic Catastrophizing

Complaints on reddit you mean :laughing:

I could see that. Fair take, sure.

My hot takes: Hanzo and Mercy mains are crying their characters are dead on arrival in S9. I think they will be fine. I think they will be better than fine.

If anyone actually cares to read my reasoning i’ll put a text wall up (:rofl:) but, this is sort of a gimmick post so… only if anyone actually cares.

Also I readily admit I can be wrong on my takes. Its all just conjecture folks.

Well someone got triggered.
Sorry you didn’t have any answer to a valid point, which is people criticising a mode without actually touching it for more than 3 mins or at all.

People can read.
People can see you made an absurd comparison, totally out of place and then called the argument “stupid”.

Take a hike and come back when you actually have a valid response to the initial point instead of calling it “stupid” and saying “you can’t read”.

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Why dont we have a mode where healing output is doubled and widow has 500hp? Do you need to play that mode to know you wont like it?

No because despite this exchange I am giving you the benefit of the doubt by saying you can analyse such a basic change and based on your experience playing this game say with some degree of certainty that you wont in fact like it. People can know more than what they have dorectly experienced as shocking as that may be for you

someone can link me the patch notes?

The forums will explode, and I’m going to toast marshmallows by the fire :grin:

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Well, can definitely see what they’re going for with this patch, and can foresee some problem that may crop up. But I don’t think we’re looking at a Diablo 4 patch 1.1.0 debacle by any means.

Will there be issues? Definitely. Will it end the game? Not if they do quick adjustments like they indicated.

Yeah, it’s awful unless you’re DPS. I think I’m going to quit and come back next year and see what they do. I don’t like this no skill projectile increase.

I see you wrote Samito in there

Well at least you made a comparison that is not a trillion % absurd and appeals to ridicule (a logical fallacy by the way), which is something I guess. Yeah the answer would be no, no I don’t need to.

The problem is that in this case, Triple DPS did exist naturally. So it is absurd that someone would get PTSD or ultra triggered just by the mere suggestion of trying that mode as an experiment to an alternative to forced 222 RQ. You DO understand that right?

Like, in reality, we LITERALLY got something more absurd, called GOATS, which straight up didn’t require 1 of the 3 roles … but Triple DPS is comparable to “Jumping off a building”.

I never said otherwise my guy.

Its ok to “think” you would not like it, but to make that comparison was cringe my dude. Its ok, its all over now, but lets not pretend it wasnt and if you get called out for it, coming back throwing insults was out of pocket.

and people don’t need to play the patch to know they wont like it because the patch notes state clearly what changes they are making. I know it will be harder to do x on hero A and easier to do y on hero B. The same way I know what jumping off a building will do to me.

What? The thread is about the whole patch not 1/3/2. What does that have to do with anything.


Have you tried communicating that? Cuz it doesn’t seem like it

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having played like two hours of it, i think the patch itself is fine, it just feels terrible to me on a personal level since at high ranks hitscan just doesnt feel good. The accuracy buffs changed pretty much nothing about how often i hit things, and i feel like im dying even faster now somehow so im done with the game for the foreseeable future. I hope everyone else has a better experience than me though

Most gamers are smart enough to understand jumping off a building would be bad.

Most gamers are NOT smart enough to predict how massive balance changes will affect the game.

If you cannot distinguish the difference between “jumping off a building” and “balance updates” and understand your logic doesn’t make sense…then your opinion on upcoming balance changes is very questionable.

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All this to say nothing of the fact that matchmaking is still garbage and the balance patch will do nothing to change the lopsided nature of every match. Came back after months to check out the new patch, immediately got saddled with a reddit lucio, dps moira and perma-shifting rein.

I’m guessing it’s Pharah? More like it took them eight years to realize vertical mobility in a game where everyone else is forced to be on the ground is bad.

Not the same way at all. Absurd comparison. This has already been established my guy, don’t go back to the appeal to ridicule fallacy. Its pointless.

Your reply was literally about that part, quoting:

Dont conveniently forget things now.

Yeah, thinking is ok. Saying “I am 100% sure I won’t like this, just like I would not like something that would kill me” is wild. Period.

IDK if you are either really disingenuous or you are just simply trolling. If you think these 2 statements are the same, IDK what to tell you:

  • I have a feeling this patch is not something Im going to like
  • Omg this is it, the end of OW2, they did it. They just killed the game, this patch is going to be the worst in history.

One of these statements is “Doomsaying” the other one is not.

All Content Creators were praising this patch.
I don’t know what to tell you. Maybe you’re new here. But anyone who played the beta already knows what this patch will feel like for support.

Well I played it now, my predictions were true, it sucks. It doesn’t take alot of brainpower to predict how game will function when you know exactly what changes they’re implementing

Played 6 games. 5 as tank cause que all roles = tank. Still felt like OW. Damage is up. Healing is not up or down somehow, I’m unsure, only played support once. I just watched a Mauga shred a lobby while I chilling as granny in that game.

It needs tweaks. One more rant: One shots are dead huh? My god did I see 3 Hanzos pop off. Is he shooting logs? He can harass tanks better than ever now. His storm arrows shred.

In summation, the doomsday prophets come up short again. Not for lack of want it seems.

“It sucks”

Fantastic feedback after, what, 3 games?

I now see the light, obviously you are correct…why would I ever doubt such unbreakable logic. “It sucks”