Season 21 placement math?

You are praying to a false god buddy. Some are placed where they belong and some are not. Generalizations never helped anyone.
Matchmaking algorithms are far from perfect.

It may be the truth that you are not placed where you belong but complaining will not help apart from a little venting.

This boundless faith you have in an algorithm that can have so many unpredictable variables is incredible.

You can be placed more or less correctly over a certain period and with enough number of games. Not with these useless and controversial placements. I dont see ANY purpose of this. Nothing. Nada. Apart from making people angry.

You get few cheaters and few throwers and you lose few hundred of SR that you know you will need to grind again?

Meh dude you are preaching nothing else.

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nearly 4 years and 20+ seasons and these placement issue still keep popping up? You place more or less where you left and if you park the bus and stop playing comp for a year you STILL more or less place where you left off.

It’s never been a way to go from silver to diamond when it was 10 games, it’s not when it’s 5. I assume placements are kept just to help mark a new season and get players back into the game a bit.

being blizzard has to know by now everyone dislikes them and most everyone would be fine with just some sort of automatic placement a few 100 SR from last season and go.

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Pssh! I think it would take you a while to post stats like that from any tank in silver. Especially given that the silver dps should be doing significantly more.

21.6k dmg as a tank in a single game. It’s rare to find a silver dps that can do that let alone a tank. but hey this crappy bronze tank was able to out perform a silver dps. Either I was so far ahead of my opponents, or my opponents were so far behind me. In either case, I totally don’t belong in the same tier as them.

Wish I had kept each matches individual results, but I can remember that I had gold elims in 3 of them. As Fk’n tank.

Sadly, with your one line comment that contains nothing useful or constructive, it’s apparent that you didn’t look at the full stat break down. But since you’re so knowledgeable, perhaps you can explain the following:

“Solo Kills” reports 2 in total for the 5 matches.
“Most Solo Kills in a game” reports 11

So Mr. smarty pants, what’s you’re theory, that doesn’t include a Bliz bug/glitch/mistake/etc.

Dude, he is like level 1000, if you are in low bronze at that level, you 100% belongs there. There is no excuse.

Forget the medals and stats, winning is not about having gold medals. If you want to get better at ow and rank up i will gladly help you to review your games if you can record them. Let me know if you are interested.

cop out.

Actually, what I need help with is how to get the other 5 random players to play at the same level as me. Sure I might be able to carry four or five 700-800 players vs the same. I can’t carry those same players when they are vs 1100+.

As has been previously mentioned, placements matches are based on my performance, compared to other tanks. So either we have a whole sh$% load of tanks consistently achieving better stats than me in say 1200-1500 bronze, which means the silver tanks should be hitting 50 elims or better consistently since they are based on the same comparison model which includes my stats, that ranks them higher/better. Lord only knows what you believe those silver dps are hitting consistently (because they should be out performing their tanks on elims to be ranked silver) right? Or do we just have a whole wack of tanks in bronze and silver carrying all the dps all the time?

Either you haven’t spent enough time below gold, or you’re talking out your a$% more than based on actual facts.

Read my last reaction.

re-read my last reaction. (since you responded before I was done editing)

Also, not sure how to get better than 5/5 wins. is 6/5 possible? Or better still, When I get gold healing as Roadhog, a) I’m absorbing enough dmg to heal, not dying as much (and by derivative doing ample dmg/elims) What more could I do better than win the match?

You are around 900, you will not get better team mates. Forget the team mates, focus on you. Team should be even most most the time. Even if you face 1100+ player, they are still potatoes. Dont take it personaly :slight_smile:

I was below bronze 500 before. I have whole thing recorded and climbed to gold by picking as last for team so I did spend enough time there to know what I am talking about. I even lost first two games as Mercy below bronze 500. Why? Because my team was incredibly bad, but it honestly didnt matter because I was loosing only little because of my stats and when I had first win, I gained like 50 SR. It was like 2 years ago, but its not important, low bronze is still low bronze.

System will help you climb if you perform very well.

You will not get better by blaming system or team mates. I can help you man, my offer still stand, If you can record I can check your games, I can give you other tips, share some knowledge… there is a lot. You just have to be interested in getting better, thats all you need.

Let me know if you need help and I will give you my discord.

This is a load of male bovine excrement. Here are how most of my stats end when I get team mates that actually try, and healers are somewhat good. As for what the hell the DPS were doing, no idea but if I get a match where the healers on my team play as poorly as the DPS do, it’s a loss and I still come out with 2-3 golds minimum Notice it is not a win ie: no rank climb, but a draw. Maybe I should have worked on my healing more with Sigma?

drive google com/file/d/1Ub6EXewsnoqHi-3I6MaTp_qtapxlEoGp/view?usp=sharing

Lol this post is 3 months old but ok

Share your replay code instead of medals and i will tell you what you should do better.

Better than 20k dmg blocked in bronze.
Better than 45 elims as a tank in bronze
Better than 26 obj elims as tank in bronze
Better than 16k dmg as tank in bronze.

How about you show me a screen of a bronze skilled player (not a silver, gold, or beyond player who happens to be playing in bronze) that has achieved better than each of these four stats in a single match playing as Sigma. A bonus would be if they won the match too.

Far and few between. Be sure to include a screen of highest rank ever achieved across all seasons.

Will you share that replay or not? I am not interested in stats.

Gonna see if I can get it. Blizz client takes a while to load. Will the reply show what my team mates were doing poorly too?

You can review anyone in replay codes.

Ok so where do I find this code? it’s not in the highlight section

Profile -> replay codes

were you not playing OW like two months since you dont know where the replay section is?

Ty. of course one snipet doesn’t show much. coincidentally it’s of the first round right before we capped the last point.


A little inflammatory… I don’t read patch notes all that often as I find the devs don’t address things that I am most interested in seeing them address. I also have never been asked for it before which is probably due to the fact that most of my friends have ditched OW for the same things I am most concerned with seeing the devs address which they usually don’t.

I should clarify my definition of addressed is not Blizzards. When I say it, I mean it as in a Meaningful and measurable change, not “We read it, we like things the way they are so we are not gonna do anything about it”. Like more avoid slots for example. Do a search for that on the forum, and the number of results exceed what the forum is configured to return (500 results + more, narrow your search). But Blizzard listens to it players, they just don’t do anything after listening, more than half of the time.

Didn’t mean for that to turn into a Bliz rant, but I felt the need to emphasize why I don’t read patch notes very often.