Season 11 information and speculation thread

I made a similar thread earlier in the season but it died and there is more information now so I figured I’d remake it

Most of the recent seasons we knew a lot about far in advance. Seasons 5-6 had a detailed roadmap, seasons 8-10 were pretty much completely explained at blizzcon, but season 11 is a bit of an enigma, we know the map and very little else about it


Season 11 is set to begin on June 20th. Curiously, that is on a Thursday, which is unusual but not unheard of, and means that season 10 is 2 days longer than usual. This means if season 11 lasts for the usual 9 weeks, it will end on August 22nd, though because of the Thursday start it is highly likely that they cut it it short 2 days to get back onto the ordinary Tuesday release date.

On 2024-06-09T17:00:00Z Microsoft is hosting it’s annual Xbox Games Showcase. Overwatch debuted trailers at this event during the past two years, so it’s not unlikely that we see a Season 11 trailer, or potentially even later content like Space Ranger, at this showcase. If not, the trailer can typically fall at any time in the week before the season begins, there is not much consistency there

Major Gameplay Features

Season 11 will receive Runasapi, a Push map set in Peru that presumably has some lore connection to Illari. In addition, the Collosseo map is getting a rework, which includes removing the glass panes at the center of the map and changes to the bridge/looping ramp section. Other planned map reworks won’t be happening until season 13 at the earliest.

Social Features
In season 11, Blizzard will remove the ability for spectators to participate in chat in all gamemodes and will also add a feature where players can randomly be invited to take a survey after a match. Surveys have existed before, but now the invite to take the survey will be sent through the game client rather than via email. Other planned social features like faster reporting and more avoid slots won’t be added until season 12 at the earliest.


2 of the 4 remaining season themes for 2024 are known: Witches and Egyptian Mythology. It may or may not be one of these

Mythic Skin

So far, a consistent pattern has occurred where all 3 roles get a mythic skin in any order, before the cycle resets and all 3 roles get a mythic skin in any order again (basically, all roles are always within 1 skin of having an equal number of mythic skins). Mind you this is not set in stone whatsoever, but if it does still hold then the next mythic skin is allowed to go towards either a Dps or Tank hero, with dps being the more likely candidate since it has gone the longest without getting one


The pride month event started during season 10, but the map changes will last into the first few weeks of season 11.

The summer games event will almost certainly occur during this season, and for the first time in 3 years, the Summer Olympics which this event was originally based off of will occur. This may potentially mean a somewhat more exciting event than usual this year (During 2020, when the last Olympics were original going to occur, they made some big improvements to lucioball), but more plausibly it also means the event’s dates are likely to roughly coincide with the real Olympic dates of July 26 - August 11. This is also the first major seasonal event since Christmas, so maybe the event pass system will finally return, or maybe they messed up the Christmas one so badly that they just gave up on that system entirely

We got crossover events 2 seasons in a row now, so I’d say another one is somewhat unlikely this upcoming season, but we’ll have to wait and see

It is also likely we get a gameplay trial for the Season 12 support hero Space Ranger (codename) towards the end of this event

Cassidy’s magnetic grenade is getting overhauled again to work more similarly to his original flashbang. Reaper changes won’t be until a later time.


Avoid teammate expansion as well (maybe - they never actually set a timetable)

I expect the same level of underwhelming money driven “content” that we’ve been getting every season….nothing special

  1. june, not 20.

Looks like non of it, but we get ugly dinosaurs.

“Season 12 and beyond”

waitt when did they say witches would be a season theme? :o

There are actually some chances to see the season 11 trailer today with summer game fest. I don’t think that Overwatch is one of the most sought-after Xbox announcements yet… but we’ll see, these events are coming soon.

for an event like summer gamesfest or xbox showcase i would find a cinematic appropriate, it’s been TOO long since the last one. but i know we don’t have to hope so much anymore with overwatch and its lore… sadly. :worried:

In any case, I’m extremely sure that it will be a season 11 trailer.

In the latest reddit AMA they answered me about the feedback they got from hacked mode and clash mode.

[About the first hacked mode]

  • Think you are referencing the speed boosts that would potentially come to Flashpoint. Took us some time to get these in a good place but they have been promising in playtests and are on track for a later season. It’s important to us that when we add elements like that to a mode that it not only brings quality gameplay but is also communicated well through Sound and VFX. Feel good here now.

[About clash map testing]

  • We got a lot of great feedback but there are some things the team wished we did better with the Clash Preview. Firstly, it should have showed up more in Quick Play so y’all got more reps on it and can get a better feel for the flow of the game mode. Secondly, we don’t think it was best suited for Open Queue in Arcade. If we do something like this again, we’ll clean that up. With the feedback we received, we’ve been investigating how to make the final point more appealing to capture for the attacking team. Many games could result in the attacking team not actually wanting to push onto the last point because it wasn’t worth the reward (harder to capture, give up a lot of positioning if you lose). Plenty of iteration happening here now to address that particular issue.

I think there will be some extra inclusions to the push mode rules and other testing on Clash (maybe the anubis map seen in the Venture trailer?)

If there’s an Egyptian theme, a 19th century archaeologist skin for Venture is highly likely, and… I can see Ramattra doing a mythical Egyptian skin, riffing on one of his very old Anubis AI concept art pieces.

there have been times where a rework came mid-season. maybe that will be the case for reaper.

You know what? if the theme is Egyptian mythology I would find a “Battle for the Pyramid” very funny, an Egyptian version of the Battle for Olympus.