Screw this game

I love this game, not the best player but I love it.
Saying that smurfs have killed this game for me, Every time you get a little win streak going the MMR places you with smurfs.
This all because of the 50/50 win percentage aim if your MMR goes up you get smurfs.
Bloody sick of it blizzard need to do something NOW!!


I agree with you. This has been posted a hundred thousand times, but its the same situation and the only ones that deny this are the smurfs and forum trolls themselves.


Yes. Been saying it for years now. But Blizzard don’t want to do anything as its making them money. Profit at almost any cost right? and with OW2 still so far off, smurfs are they main income from overwatch right now, with the odd new skin.

Money > Game play

What happened with Cyberpunk 2077 is a classic example of this.


Do people actually believe this?


Do people actually not?


Kind of crazy how I’ve only heard people in plat and below talk about the 50% winrate and how low ranked player complain about smurfs when masters and low gm has more smurfs every game.


Reading the title then reading the first line really confused me for a second

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Masters and low GM have literally no smurf. If they complain about smurf, they don’t know what a smurf is.
A smurf is someone going into low rank to stomp.

It’s not the same as an alt account, where someone plays a certain way, maybe being more chill, maybe playing a hero they don’t usually play…


You are wrong lmfao. A 4700 player on a masters/low gm account IS a smurf. And they are actually good at the game unlike the trashcan diamonds who stomp you on your gold games.

If only you actually tried to improve and became decent at the game you would understand that 90%+ of those smurfs are actually nowhere near the sr the claim to be while they spawn camp you. But I get it, it’s easier to blame the matchmaker rather than focus on your own faults.

This is not a thing, if I played on your account I would have no trouble climbing.

Can you stop for a second and ask yourself why those smurfs are always able to climb to their mains SR if they wanted? Can’t answer it because then your “forced 50%” theory goes out of the window.


Yeah cause a 4.4 player playing in mid masters is not smurfing.

Feel free to send a replay code.

Yes, please can we give all smurfs just a free climb against pepegas who don’t care? That way boosting would be faster and less harm for everyone lul.

Oh yeah sure I stop and think for a second, while you be passive aggressive toxic, I will provide an explanation as well to why 50/50 is no theory with smurfing. Okay Smurf?

Smurfs climb because…

  • The play at a higher skill level and the MMR eventually recognizes it and send them up.

When a Smurf plays a ranked match not in their skill range, 2 things happen.

  • Those they are on a team with get boosted based on that smurf.
  • Those on the opposing team take a SR hit and pushed down the ladder in an completely unfair manner.

This adds another variable to the mix of the Match Making system, with excessive extra accounts in the pool.

  • When a high rank player creates an alt/smurf account to play in competitive, regardless of where they decide to place, whether its in bronze, gold, or GM+; its pushing the median average out of place. So lets use 1800-2500 as the average rank of the majority of the player base. With the excessive smurf accounts, even the ones tat went dormant mid season, it has pushed the majority placer base down as much as -600 SR from reports in posts from season 24-25. Cheaters have the same impact. So what this is doing is adding more duplicate players to the pool and pushes the bottom 2/3 of the players down even further which makes it harder and harder to climb.

There are a alot of smurfs accounts out there, especially when there is sales and free weekends where they can buy that free account at a premium and it really messes with the ranks.

There I answered it because I can and could. Now go play your main account and stop harassing other players.

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If plenty of people play the game and it’s profitable, why should Blizz change anything? If the community tolerates non-transparent MMR matchmaking, why should Blizz change anything?
We pay with our attention and time.


Because plat players have huge egos. Of course the more you win especially on a streak your gonna run into a opponent that can curb stomp you but nobody wants to think that


Considering theres only like 300 players in top 500 and alot of those smurf much further down than masters, you cant really say that masters/gm has a smurf problem. If anything you can say that those ranks have a lack of players because of smurfing.

This is just a myth. You dont have higher chance to face smurfs when you play well.

Same stuff, myth. Not reality.

If you stopped playing because of this, you didnt have valid reasons.

its not just smurfs. It does work like that for everyone. If you play well below duamondy you are rewarded with higher PBSR. If you play above, there is no such thing as sending you up, PBSR is not above 3000.

You are so close to getting it…

I’ve never thrown games to smurf so nice assumption. All my alts are within ~ ±200SR of my main, funny how that works right? Almost like the matchmaker is not as erratic as you claim to be once you’ve played enough games.

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You can only get upset about things you care about.