Scoreboard stuck on screen

Hey guys,

I have been having an issue that happens in about 75% of my games. I tend to hit tab right after I die to check the scoreboard, but it does not go away when I respawn. No matter what I do, whether I hit tab again, or alt tab out of the game and back in, etc. It will not go away until I die. Sometimes it’s the scoreboard with my HUD underneath it, sometimes it’s the scoreboard with no HUD. Sometimes it’s no HUD and no scoreboard. But the first one is by far the most common. It does not matter if I am on my main account or my alternate account. I have restarted my computer and I have reinstalled overwatch. I do believe that this started on 9/10/24 with the most recent update.

What can I do? It’s ruining my competitive games lol.

I know some people will say “dont check the scoreboard,” haha. Not the resolution I am looking for.