"Saying GG is just good sportsmanship"

Is what people respond, when others complain about gg:ing a steamroll. I think it’s an excuse to make yourself feel better, and here’s why because I’m bored:

A: You know half the people use GG to mean “good game” not “virtual handshake after a football match,” so whatever your intentions are you’re choosing to offend the people who use it differently. Which is okay, but you gotta own it.

B: I dare you, I double dare you…! (Samuel L. Jackson voice) to keep track for 10 games, how often do winners GG vs. losers. Especially in onesided games. Even IF GG meant sportsmanship, the overwhelming majority only uses it when THEY had fun. (Won.) For every person GG:ing for true sportsmanship there’s a dozen doing it only when they had fun. So there’s A LOT of hypocrites in the “it’s just sportsmanship” crowd.

Of course this is totally natural and nobody really cares about two letters at the end of a game, but I just like pointing out the typical everyday bias we all have in one way or another.

P.S. Seriously tho. Watch how often only the winning team gg’s. It’s hilarious how much it happens.


saying gr when losing > saying gg when winning


Stop getting offended at everything. This is a game where you shoot at each other, not Hello Kitty Island Adventure.


Two disclaimers in the thread where I say I’m doing this because I’m bored and that nobody really cares, but still you got your panties in a bunch. How about you stop being offended.


And this is why I say GG all. Especially if it was a close game where everyone trys.

Because just like guns, some people use or for good and a virtual handshake, since people for bad and to trigger the enemy.


i always say gg. no matter the circumstance. it literally only means “good game”. LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE. NOTHING MALICIOUS IS INVOLVED


Yup, you guys do exist, and that’s great. The point I’m poking at here is, there’s A LOT of people who like to think they’re like you, but really aren’t.


gg ez is bad though. but that is censored. I say just “gg”



There is absolutely ZERO harm in saying “gg” and only that, or “GG WP”

It fosters neither negativity nor toxicity. People who have a problem with this are the ones who are toxic or have a bad attitude.


Uh, so you’re just gonna ignore all the people who use gg for good game instead of “virtual handshake”? Calling them all toxic and having bad attitude is kind of extreme don’t you think. For just having a different opinion.

I’ve never been a huge fan of hand shaking culture, which extends to the use of GG. In my opinion the loser should ALWAYS be allowed to initiate the exchange of Gs, and if they say nothing? Then the winners says nothing and respects the losing teams right to take the loss in silence, especially if it was a steamroll.

If I lose a match, I always say GG to give the winners a moral pass to say GG. If I win, I watch the chat and wait to see if anyone on the losing team says GG first before I say the same thing.

All of my family and friends give me flak for my outlook of hand shaking culture, but as someone who always thinks about the mental state of those around me, this is what I feel is right and I won’t change without a logical reason to do so.


since they censored ggez saying simply gg, stomped or not, shouldn’t ever be seen as toxic.

There are many uncensored words the enemy team could use in place of gg.

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I literally said the opposite to what you just said… wtf?

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ya I remember playing like dumb fighting games and you would almost never get a gg if you won, but you better believe you got one if you lost and a whole lot more.


I use it as a virtual handshake after close and intense matches even if we lose.

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I’ll GG when I’m on the steamrolled team. There are very few circumstances that I won’t say it, it’s muscle memory at this point.

Stop being such a baby about 2 letters.


I think thats more an issue with the losing team being sore losers, rather than the winners trying to “rub it in their faces”, but thats just my opinion man.


Eh, it doesn’t matter which way it is man, because they’ll be on the winning side gg:ing next time. So the end result is still a ton of “gg is a virtual handshake I gg everytime believe me pls(i don’t tho)” -hypocrites. Not my opinion, I think it’s logic. I think. I hope.


100% because I say it whether I get stomped or not. If I felt bad about the match then maybe I’d just say gg instead of gg all.

Honestly, I feel so cringey if I just dip out at the end of a loss and not say anything - like, who wants to be “one of those” rage quitters that silently disappears before Defeat even appears on the screen? That just makes me look like that bully on the losing team in that “Generic Kids Sports Comedy” movie.

  • Throws hat on the ground while the Mighty Duck look-alikes cheer behind him; all to the sweet sound of his coach’s berating remarks

I also like to give endorsements to enemies sometimes, too. :slight_smile:

The world is full of terrible people…doesn’t mean you should be too, you know? Just reminds me of that scene in Happy! where the lead throws himself onto some train tracks to prove his point that no one would help.

I get that some people are doing it in a mocking way but I don’t let those people affect me. Most likely, those people have deep-rooted personality issues and I just move on knowing that I’m lucky enough not to be dealing with whatever issues they have. Like people that can’t hold a stable relationship or can’t walk into a store without blowing up at the person behind the register.

If you really want to ‘change things’ then start hyping up the people you see playing the game with good sportsmanship in mind. If people stop rallying behind toxic icons and toxic posters and raise the names of ones that actually have a good personality, I think our community would start to look better, honestly.

If you have self control, show it~

I normally say GG when the match was a really interesting battle, especially if I met an opponent that match my skill level. However, that is just me though.