Saying GG after a 1 sided stomp

That is a douche thing to say.

You clearly havnt played games for twenty years…

Don’t be a snowflake and don’t get triggered through two letters. Thanks.

I feel you. It always feels insulting, but it isn’t always meant to be. Sometimes it’s a genuine “Hey, we won really fast / hard, but you guys still did your best. Good game”.

Worst case scenario, just a jerk being a jerk, and being “kind of rude / sarcastic” isn’t reportable. My suggestion is to just assume they were being genuine unless they make it obvious otherwise.

I remember it taking me 20 minutes to bring my first computer and it’s gigantic monitor to a friend’s LAN party, so we could play Quake 1 multiplayer. That was like 1997, 1998 or so. Please don’t pretend you know anything about me.


No. Taking offense to the opponent holding their hand regardless of how the game went is what is poor sportsmanship.

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Preach it, brother/sister!


When I was a young lad, I was on a soccer team. I live on a small Island, so there was a really small pool of players, mostly just the 3 or so schools in relative area. There was this one team named the Hornets and they would very regularly come down Island for tournaments and completely obliterate any team they cam up against. I’m talking like 17-2 stuff.

At the end of every single match, they made us do GG. All the players on opposing teams would form a line, and then high five, handshake, or lazily walk down the line with their hand out either mumbling “good game” and staring at your cleats or smiling broadly as the other team was doing this. If you displayed poor sportsmanship, refused to GG or otherwise acted inappropriately during the GG you were excluded from a monthly draw to win a certificate for lunch with a friend.

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You don’t say gg first when you won the game, that’s bad manners.

I learned that back in early 2000 when I played Warcraft 3 online - when you lost the game you say gg if you feel so, then the winner says gg and you leave the game.


Gg is good sportsmanship though. Haven’t you ever play a sport irl?


Have you ever seen the winning team do a choreographed “you suck” dance in front of the losing team who can’t leave until they’re finished?

That’s what any sort of typed detritus appears to be to the losing team in a match of Overwatch.


Just because you felt that you got stomped on doesn’t mean all the enemy team felt the same way, Maybe a player on their team was struggling the entire time but the rest were carrying them, They then say Good game at the end believing it truly was a good game.

If you can’t handle people saying good game to you after you lose then you shouldn’t be playing the game.


Are you talking about real sports or overwatch here? I’ve never seen this in either.

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Hey its either “good game” all around.

Or keep it to yourself. In your head its the same as “you suck.”

Or “You lose.” Its blatant rude demoralizing and selfish.

“Sharing” a GG means sharing it with a player. Or rather in Overwatch’s case an entire team.

How and when you use it matters. Knowing how players might react is important or otherwise it turns from sharing a harmless statement to slinging an offensive insult.

So you sir clearly just like slinging words tgat offend people with no regard to how they might react. Judging them because they will not silently accept a statement that does affect their experience in the game. Moreso even to a higher degree? Because you believe ut as an innocent phrase.

Which is just adding salt to the already inflicted wound that is a loss. My bet is you get triggered just the same out of anyone else if you lose badly enough.


It may come as a surprise to some, but saying nothing in match chat after a stomp is still perfectly polite. Toss some GGs in team chat if needed. Why is that so hard?

Personally, I don’t know why they even have match chat. I’ve literally never seen anything good come from it.


FFS for the umteenth time, it’s a post game handshake. Reading more into it is pointless.



Every once in a while its used to distract players or to kiss up to a player for something or other.

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That has been twisted abused and used as a hidden offensive term because players like you act like you do.

No concern or regards for others. And I’m sorry but that is unacceptable the moment you cross the line and say “forget that person”.

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If there’s one thing that sticks with me about that, it’s one match on Ilios. Opposing team member is all “oh golly, let’s have a fun game everyone, kyuu~”

After losing the match and having myself kill his character a couple times, player’s all swear words and “my team sux, nerr!”

The teams should stay silent the entire match. The winning team should only respond respectfully only after the losing team offers up the “gg” first.


No it isn’t, if anything it’s sportsman-like