Say NO to private profiles

I call BS. The ONLY way I ever see profiles used is to either force someone to play a role b/c you think they should… “Can you play Mercy since you have so many hours on her?” or to harass someone b/c their stats on that character aren’t as good as yours… “Give me Genji… I have 1000 hours and a 90% win rate… you only have a 30% win rate as him”.

People don’t lock characters and then immediately start talking about the hours they have. The truly toxic player is someone like you who would question someone about why they locked a character you wanted and then question them about their stats to prove a point (which would be the only reason they lie like you are claiming).

Let people play what they want to play and if they lock a character you wanted too bad for you. If they aren’t playing “good enough” and you are looking for a reason for them to switch - that has nothing to do with past stats . They could be having a bad game and the “process” of you asking them to switch (if you feel the need to even do that) should be based on how they are playing in that game and again not about past stats.

All those in this thread that agree with you are likely the cause of toxic behavior in others (and are likely toxic themselves) even though they think you are “helping” or showing game knowledge or strategy. People like that make others defensive so they become toxic when someone else judges them.

The only purpose of stats is for judgment and when you use it in a negative way to either force someone into a role or determine what they should or shouldn’t play I’d argue that no matter any toxicity that results is your fault; meaning you are ruining the game.

Private profiles are needed for the health of the community… period.