Say NO to FPS Overwatch

Then another group of people will complain and we will continue the cycle.


I’m a support main and it isn’t that bad. If you have people who are competent enough to know what their role is and you as a player not play such an aggro play style like the people who make these posts tend to do, then it’s honestly not that bad.


Well, my first question is, would you rather have double shield?

My 2nd question is, what rank are you playing in that you’re versing double sniper constantly? The only rank with 2 snipers being the top picks are in GM with Ashe & Widow

I see a lot of forum users say that OW should be balanced around the average player, but the average player is not versing double sniper, only the highest rank is.


It means First Person Shooter. You’re not gonna call Minecraft an FPS right?


Over double sniper? Yes 100%

Currently in high diamond at snipers are in most games here

And you say it should be top down. So why refusal to admit double sniper is a problem or does top down balancing only occur when it is towards heroes you find unsuitable.


Let’s be real. This isn’t fun for any kinds of tanks except Hog and Zarya.


Oof. It’s a lot easier & way more fun (at least to me) to swap to Dive vs. double sniper then to mirror double shield & shoot at barriers 90% of the match. No thanks

In both Diamond & Master (ranks that I play in depending on the day & role) the most popular DPS are Ashe, Genji, McCree, & Widow in that order. So, you’re more likely to see Ashe/Genji or Ashe/McCree or even Genji/McCree than you are Ashe/Widow. Not only is that what the stats reflect, but that’s my experience as well. I’m not saying it never happens or doesn’t exist, but if you’re claiming that there’s double sniper in most games in any rank besides GM (compared to double shield which was in nearly every mid-Masters+ game before the patch) that just doesn’t add up.

I didn’t say double sniper isn’t a problem. But I would definitely prefer double sniper over double shield any day, because I can easily swap to dive which is a fun comp to play & make them swap off double sniper. That’s what I’ve been doing when I’ve encountered it & it works every time… you should try it.

What isn’t fun is being forced to mirror double shield to win.


This only fun for Hitscans, Tracer, Genji , Roadhog , Ball and Ana *

And revert all characters state from 2017 ( with some changes ) and revert barrier nerfs

I will miss hack cancelling passives

But I sure as hell won’t be missing infinite stealth :slight_smile:

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Overwatch isn’t a MOBA. Go play actual MOBA if you need one. There’s no reason to turn Overwatch into a MOBA because the are already dozens of them.


this style of gameplay is closest to launch Overwatch that most people enjoyed, without all the bugs and jank that made launch era so rough around the edges.

Much rather this that the infinite sustain nightmares of the past two years. it’s not classic death ball tier good, but better than what we’ve had.


They are not going to revert Halt because if its not Sigma it will be another hero down the line. Halt as it functioned is a problem ability for the future of designing AoE abilities because it combos too well with them.

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Overwatch isn’t a traditional FPS. Go play a traditional FPS if you need one. There’s no reason to turn Overwatch into a traditional FPS because there are already dozens of them.

The Moba elements ARE what make Overwatch unique. The game was designed leaning on these elements. It is reasonable for players to want the game to stay true to what they loved about it in the first place.


Yea, it’s definitely odd that people talk about “the good old days” while ignoring that this is much closer to the good old days than double shield or Goats ever was


i’ll say no to judging the future of overwatch and its philosophies based on ranked wilding out during the first week of a big shake-up patch

hypothetically if the overwatch league had been playing on this patch and they ended up running winston zarya or rein sig or even like rein hog and that was inevitably mirrored in masters/grandmasters and the belief that it was the “correct” way to play was imprinted on the rest of ladder players, i wonder how many of these topics regarding power levels of certain things would still be around

on a side note i wonder what they’re scrimming, anyone got some sauce?


I would rather have a game where individuals have meaningful impact then a game where if you have one bad player, you lose.

As a tank player, my life has gotten quite a bit more pleasant. I much prefer this over constant Double/Triple Shield.
If you refuse to adapt, that is on you.


Overwatch is an FPS, not a MOBA. Nowhere does it say Overwatch is a MOBA. If you don’t like it, that’s on you.


I’m a tank player and enjoying this patch :slight_smile:


As someone who loves to play Zarya, this isn’t fun for me either.

There’s little care for rotations, burst damage still king (even more than before arguably) despite the sustain nerfs (oh shocking revelation, burst is too strong regardless), ult tracking and management matter for squat, snipers dominate and TTK is so low might as well play Valorant.

I’m gonna farm SR with Zarya but I would love to go back to real Overwatch sooner rather than later.