Saving the aesthetics of Orisa in OW2

I ask you one thing: if you think Orisa, is it natural to know her for her shield and her supercharger? and before OW2 rework, was her Summer games spray with her javelin is the real “Orisa”?

I honestly don’t condemn Orisa’s rework at all, I think it’s funny. however it bothers me that this javelin is extremely disconnected both in its appearance and in its iconic mechanics that have always been part of Orisa. We know that Orisa is a character who has a barrier, that Efi has given her tobelstein technology and that she has a supercharger. it is said in the novel, it is said in the original teasers of her. really, do you remember it:

Why not adapt this whole new kit to what Orisa has always been in the lore? and I’m not talking about mechanics, but about appearance that respects what “Orisa” has always been:

  • javelin spin> rotating barrier: Orisa evokes from her bracelet this circular barrier that does exactly what javelot spin does;
  • javelin throw> summoned through the same device that Orisa throws to summon the barrier in OW1.
  • Ultimate “majorette time”> Supercharger incoming: orisa charges the supercharger by holding it high and then decides when to slam it on the floor. let’s save this aesthetic piece of her on her shoulders in something more versatile in “protagonist javelin”.

I really wish Orisa to be functional, in OW2 it’s fun but … IT MUST be “Orisa”, and to me “orisa” is an omnic that also used a superchanger, not a javelin in three different ways.

I get what you’re saying, but I personally like the Javelin “aesthetic” a lot more than the barrier. Lots of heroes have barriers, but a javelin is unique to Orisa and fits with her being horse-like.

I wouldn’t mind seeing the supercharger come back in some form though. She carries it around all game but can’t use it


Right – it has a ton of personality already and fits Orisa pretty well. Right off the bat, the Javelin feels as iconic as any other Overwatch weapon (I know some people don’t feel the same way but I also think Barriers should have been a unique thing for one hero, two at most…)

It’s hard to know what ‘could have’ happened but it feels like the devs made Orisa with the intent of giving the players the anchor tank they wanted (great barrier, non-melee, super defensive) and they said as much when she was released.

Considering that they were even down to change her physical form into a two legged tank, I see this Javelin direction as something that they felt was exciting enough to pursue with this character and justify her physical form

Hmm, you may be onto something – this has me thinking, maybe her ultimate uses this technology? She does the pull and slow so I imagine lore wise, the tech is still there it just doesn’t look like a mini Zarya ball.

And I would hope these heroes get upgrades and know more than two fight moves in their life… like Hanzo knows scatter in the cinematics but just isn’t using it in-game

I love Javelin spin and how it looks - especially with the multiple hits. I think it could be cool if they upgraded the visuals with a ‘barrier shimmer’ on her body when shot. :thinking: Like the ultimate pull, it would show that she is finding new ways to use this tech

I hope she gets new lore that helps flesh out her personality (everyone needs it) and explain this shift. I’ve never been a fan of characters just being shackled to the few pages of text we received, especially in Overwatch’s situation where we’ve been waiting for ages for something to digest.

Still it would be great to legitimize changes within the story!

Same for Bastion. Ever since Bastion met Torbjorn, I figured they’d use that story to explain its future rework.

  • Looking at the baseball cap and his new grenade, it felt like it could be such a good story change if Bastion found a love for sports while staying with Torbjorn. Slowly finding a way to overcome its ptsd and practicing trick shots by bouncing the ball or playing fetch with Ganymede.
  • The OW2 grenade still doesn’t reflect that… but the answer is right there and these reworks could make so much sense if they decide to actually update the story