San Francisco Shock vs. Philadelphia Fusion - Stage 1 Semifinal - FINAL

I’m never going to an OWL event, dear god the screeching, someone kick her out or tell her to chill.

I really wish the banshee in the arena would quiet down.

Did Hex just lowkey call Shock a bad team?

It wouldn’t stand out as much if there was more noise. The rest of the crowd needs to yell more.

I normally think people complaining about “that screaming chick” are being dramatic, but holy cow! She sounds like she’s watching someone get axe murdered.

That’s actually just Fusions shot calling his ranked games from home. It’s loud enough to get picked up at the arena.

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Thank god Violet isn’t one of those Zen’s who just save their ult for a rainy day…or when their Rein has already died

Another good transcendence from him

#ElkWasTheProblem Kappa

After Map 1


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It helps that Violet charges ults like they grow on trees

It’s funny to see Fusion is still struggling on control maps

Yeah he’s like Dafran except he’s actually good on Zenyatta


Why was Elk the problem, Philly fans?

It’s a meme. Philly threw Elk under the bus when he clearly wasn’t the problem.

I just do not understand why Fragi is no longer in…

I think I heard a spicy rumor from Avast that Carpe refuses to play with Fragi or something like that?

Shock has some really, really crazy fans.

I love it.

Fragi is often too aggresive and gets cut off from his team pretty often. But yeah it’s a sad day when Rein is undoubtely meta and Fragi is nog allowed to play

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It’s not that Elk was the problem, it’s that having somebody playing on a role they weren’t familiar with because of having no substitute flex support that was the problem.