Same as always - 0 placement wins

Honestly if I were you mate, I would just shove the game into the trash can where it belongs.

Trust me, it will help a lot, especially if you have mental problems such as myself being autistic.

Seriously, just stay as far away from this game as possible.

I’m not asking for gentle, but I have things to say about certain items too. For example “you play by yourself”. It depends on which hero and game you’re talking about but in general in bronze I can’t get people to play together or group up.

If I’m healing and can’t get anyone to wait for me before rushing in, I’m at a loss for what to do and usually switch to something else. If I’m DPS (for example) and can’t get a shield or heals and my team is scattered all over the place, then yeah I’m pretty much gonna do my own thing. Is there another choice?

And if I’m Moira or Brigitte I try to heal but many times DPS isn’t DPSing so I will focus on that so I can keep playing that hero.

Okay. Need a good link. Preferably to YT as easier to pause and comment and all.

If they aren’t DPSing and you’re Moira: HEAL them more. That’s your job. Sure, you chip in but that’s it. You being a DPS is inefficient and costs your team its efficient healer. If they’re just as bad as your enemies and you heal better than tje enemy healer you win! You need to enable them to succeed. That’s the job you signed up for: SUPPORT. Not lead, not solo flanker but support.

If they are running like idiots: FOLLOW them! Better you play as headless chickens together than their main healer runs off on her own to die where she cannot heal them anyway.

Do the basic legwork and get me a video link with my above criteria. Get one you feel you had a chance but it came up a little short. Or you won but it was by a hair’s breadth. Those are games one can teach from.

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+1 (+2 actually) to MsSysbit for always trying to be a positive force in the forums, helping people despite the odds.

Happy New Year, buddy! Hope that 2019 and Seasons 14 and onward brings you more joy in this game which we love. =)


I get results (helped a couple climb last season and my tank play went through the roof last season) so even if I get bad eggs and few bites the few successes make it all worth the while. Another already asked to add me today for some help. My answer to any serious is always yes. I might be low average but that beats a heckuva lot in the game! And I like to help who and where I can.


Your right - 50/50 forced win rate is A LIE. So stop perpetuating it.

The truth is the match maker does it’s best to place you in matches where your chances of winning are 50/50. A chance to win and forced win rate are two entirely different things. Just because you have about even odds to win or lose a match does not mean you are going to win 50% of your matches. If you are not as good as you like to think (Dunning-Kruger) you will lose more matches overtime until you settle into a spot on the ladder that is more in line with your actual skill level.

Nobody has ever forced me to lose a match. But I have lost a lot of matches when I just played poorly.

Get your facts straight before going all ‘chicken little’ again.

…and thanks for always been so helpful and encouraging, dude. =)

I am glad that you have had a great season 13 (i totally missed seasons 12 & 13 due to work and familial commitments…did not even manage to complete placements for s12! heh) and it may not come as a surprise actually because in the helping and advising of others, a person would first have to see what is lacking in oneself and improve on those aspects. Thus bettering oneself whilst simultaneously improving further upon seeing and learning from the flaws in others. =D

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My tank improvement is from playing it way more and taking some not-always gentle advice to heart.

And just get in the saddle this season. Kick off the dust, oil up that rust and you’ll be back where ya belong. Life always comes before games.

I play supports/tanks for more reasons than just having bad mechanics; I like seeing others succeed and letting em get there. To me that’s a bigger accomplishment than my own gains. It’s just how I am.

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Indeed and being tough on oneself is really, the only way to elevate to greater heights. No one ever gets stronger by just lifting the weight that they can, only by increasing the load and bearing the pain can one see any form of gain and growth. =)
And that is exactly what i mentioned, seeing what is missing; acknowledge it; grow and improve. If you (generic “you”), cannot help yourself, how can you help others (grow). =)

Yeeeaaah! Just received news on my phone that Season 14 commenced about an hour or so ago. I am still recovering from the crushing workload over the past few months (the food industry can be really merciless especially if you are the business owner, chef and labourer. Heh.) and i can still feel the fatigue in my eyes, arms and back. However, you are right; i do enjoy me some good organised play which only Comp can bring so just gotta hop onto the saddle, get ready to have my butt kicked to the kerb (heeellloooo, Bronzers!) and just enjoy the ride. XD

Pretty much the same. I have always gravitated towards Tank and Healing / Support classes in tabletop RPGs, cRPGs and MMORPGs. Even when i roll a rouge in D&D, i focused on building utility while my friends focused on stacking damage dealing abilities. Heh. Even in real life, playing basketball, i was the guy rebounding and playing defense with such intensity that peeps nicknamed me “Bruce” (after Bruce Bowen).

Giving the assist and seeing the team succeed is really where it is at, eh, bro? =)

I went 7 wins 3 losses in my placements but only got plat, however 2 seasons ago I went 5 wins 5 losses and got low diamond like what the hell is wrong with this. But truthfully the 0 placement wins you got that’s just proof that blizzard’s matchmaking blows DICK.

Well, i can understand the frustration and confusion.

Maybe this video would help clarify:

As usual, Kaawumba had done a FYI for Season 13. Waiting for his season 14 update. Meanwhile, this may be helpful:

I looked it up, but could only find a picture of you :thinking:

I can’t post a link, but the free dictionary dot com defines it succinctly as “to lose a game on purpose”.

There were plenty of other search results too. You should try this new web thing, it’s pretty useful.

Omg… it was a joke. Relax!

Why do you tell lies that are so easily caught? You keep doing this. You tells lies that we can all look up in seconds, then you attack the people who point it out. It’s not even a lie worth telling. Dictionary dot com does not define “throwing” that way at all.

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The paste didn’t work. They really should let you post a link.

idioms dot thefreedictionary dot com slash throw plussign a plussign game

They’ve made Lucio easy enough that the most difficult part of his play is doing damage. Which, I have to admit, is hard.

I started teaching some kids the basics of OW, which is when I realized just how much stuff there is to learn.

At the moment watching vods of good players is the only way to ramp up quickly. And there are 30 heroes to learn and understand.

That’s a crazy amount of time to invest.

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Really? I find his damage easiest, I have trouble timing speed though