S4 & still missing 1000 hours

Hello there,again. (tldr at bottom)

Here we are, Season 4, no fix. Getting irritated… Just tell us our stats are gone. It’s better than sitting in this god forsaken limbo.

The day Overwatch 2 dropped, my profile lost OVER 1000 HOURS total played time. I was forced to “merge accounts” with my PC account. I only had like 1 hour on my PC account, I tried it one day and didn’t like how it ran on my weak system. Now me, a console player, is being punished for trying Overwatch on my PC.

Myself and many others have yet to have this fixed. The initial thread said “this may take several weeks to fix”, posted I believe October 21st. They HAVE NOT MENTIONED this BIG problem since then.

I had 2700 hours total played time at the end of Overwatch 1. At the start of Overwatch 2, my profile dropped to 1700 hours total played time. It looks as if each of my character’s total hours have been deleted evenly by a certain percentage like 60%.

Why has this not been fixed yet? Am I supposed to forget about it? I LOVED looking at my stats, say what you want but I’m proud of my hours and kept an open profile. I loved making hours-played goals for all my characters. Like “reach at least 40 hours played for each character” etc. I would scroll to the bottom of the list to see which characters had the lowest hours and work on them. I also enjoyed making goals to reach 100 hours on my most played heros.

This goes alongside the joy I had leveling up, and reaching the next border until finally capping at 5 stars diamond border. I seriously was hoping Overwatch 2 was going to add new played time borders. I understand why they were removed.(apparently people being ridiculed and judged based on played time…???) They could have at least added new borders and if people didn’t want that shown, could just disable it alongside the stats when setting your profile to private. You can imagine my sadness when they were removed entirely. I love prestige systems that you can show off. It’s one of my favorite things certain games sometimes have.

TL;DR: Stats of console players that merged with PC have lost MANY hours on their accounts and it STILL hasn’t been fixed.

Please give us an update.


I’m having this exact same issue and it happened on day 1 once the account merge was finished. I just made another ticket for it. Career profile showing 246 hours while on my ps5 screen with overwatch selected it says 965 hours played. Six months later and no updates beyond the October post??

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I think that comparison is a little bit different. My played time when looking at the stats through xbox shows like 300d. But that stat has always been higher because the timer starts whenever the game is launched/open/idle, and not when actually in a match.

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It’s really difficult to even know what is the correct number now after all this time. I played mainly on my Xbox account so I thought maybe the 200ish hours was from my ps account and my Xbox hours got deleted? It’s hard to know when there’s been no updates on it in general. I just want my stats back :sob:. I also wish I had taken pictures of this happening but for days after the account merge happened, my hours seemed correct (nearly 1k) and each day I saw them getting lowered by a few hundred until it evened out around 200. It was so odd I thought it must be a thing that would fix itself. Guess not.

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Yeah I feel ya… I have a maxed diamond border so seeing that with 1800 hours played you’d think it’d raise questions, as I don’t think that is possible. I might have clips or pictures of my old stats somewhere. But all I know is that I’ve been posting about this almost weekly since October of last year, doing my due diligence, but it doesn’t seem to really matter. Their resources are clearly allocated elsewhere, making new content instead of fixing game breaking bugs. I lost 1000 hours. It makes me sick to even think about it. So much of my time. I’ve played since OW1 beta, so I estimate that’s a little over 2 years wasted, gone.

I won’t stop posting about this, and I hope more people do the same.


i played on cosle before and when i mergged my ps account with my blizzard for ow2 im am missing my pc stats like play time and level

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The response to my ticket was basically to just make threads and keep talking about the issue and it might help it get taken seriously faster. That was it.

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Yeah I’ve heard and seen this result many times, so I have been doing exactly that since October lol

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Same. I have send tickets and they keep saying keep posting on the bug forums about it (while they are known about the whole situation). Well yeah thats what we are doing for over 5 months.

The fact we don’t get any update at least makes me angry the most. Specially when they said it would take several weeks and now we are months further. I WANT MY HOURS BACK, i have so much less fun when my career profile is a total mess and not having the time that i have put in since 2016.


Another season, another chance to be disappointed. For those in this thread who have not been made aware, you are not alone in experiencing this bug. Linking my post in case you would like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Incorrect Competitive Career Statistics Page. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

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