*Rumor* OW for Switch Pre-Orders Asking To Be Cancelled

Read some guy’s post on Twitter claiming that he knows a friend that works for Nintendo (insert my uncle works @ Nintendo joke here) and that there have been a lot of people asking to cancel their pre orders for OW on the Switch. I mean, it makes sense, what with the current situation going on…Probably isn’t a rumor as I can see people cancelling their pre orders. I don’t even think they can though?

I guess Tracer has no shot in getting in Smash now lol


On r/NintendoSwitch you can find a thread or two about how no one’s going to buy the game anymore

Blizz, you done goofed


Yup. And right around the time Blizzcon is literally around the corner.

Big oof.


It can be done, last I checked on Nintendo pre-orders, money is not taken out until around a day before the item is sent out so people can indeed cancel all they like.


Oh ok haha I never cancelled an online order before so I wasn’t sure since people were “asking” to have it cancelled, making me think it may not work.

I hope they get their money back if they can.

Some places can refuse to cancel your order, such as Blizzard store refuses after 30 minutes after ordering said item(s) even if it takes 2 weeks+ to even process the order -_-

But most places due to law, do indeed allow cancelations, any pre-order items are most likely sold or given to workers at discounted price to do as they please to put on ebay.

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Ahh I learned something new! :grin: Thanks haha

can we get a f in the chat pls


LOL Rip Tracer’s spot in Smash. So can they start the event earlier now since why start if nobody will be playing on launch for Switch?

Let this be a lesson xD


I have already got the game just waiting to play it

You are probably gonna be the only one in the lobbies lol

(It is a joke)

i saw AngryJoeShow talk about it and it make sense why Blizzard had to take action from a buisness standpoint

However from a “murica” standpoint he didnt really do anything wrong he didnt curse or use racial slurs all he said was something i probably cant say here without getting banned for a year and my lootboxes taken away. Which really wasnt much. Blizzard kinda shot themselves in the foot (again) if you ask me and they are slowly but surely losing chunks of their loyal fans year after year.

luckily for them though for every 50 copies of a game they sell only 1 is those super fans so if they still sell 49 copies they really can just cut their losses i guess and most people dont follow game scandals and just play them :confused:


I was going to get it as my girlfriend and myself play a lot of Switch now but definitely holding off now.

Not supporting Blizzard again. :slight_smile:


Not to mention with people already upset with the game, this is giving them more incentive to do something.

Sure thing, but what you have got to understand is you have got some of the biggest profiles in sports saying things all the time. They get a slap on the wrist, at best. They condone tournamnets for racism, countries for being racist or in humane actions etc. they get banned from the tournamnet/country at worst.

Free speech is a thing and you can not go against that.

Yes, but we are not talking about failed promises, outrageous microtransctions, but actual political transgressions. These are serious things. And like I have mentioned before, you can not have American companies bending the knee to China, it wont fly, and it certainly will not fly for the American government, they will not see their control of the american private sector lost to China.

Blizzard just proved that if china says “jump” the monkey jumps, this is serious bad stuff for the company. Make no mistake about that. They brought it on themselves playing politics like this.

Oh and expect demonstrations at blizzcon, just what this years blizzcon needs, to be dragged in some fresh mud when the mud from last year is barely even dry…

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https://twitter.com/Noahpinion/status/1181974464516374528?s=19 Where were you guys when these companies bend the knees to china? Nothing new here


If tracer isn’t in smash.
Not gonna buy smash then.

But the switch + overwatch will sure as hell land on my desk!

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Nintendo doesnot give the option to cancel your pre order .try to troll harder .
Also people who are making assumptions . From your consoles to electronics and small things are made in China .why don’t you burn all that stuff or will your hypocracy. Only be limited to blizzard ?

I do hope Jeff and the Devs pack their asbestos underwear for BlizzCon. They are going to get flamed a whole lot this year…

Well, if it was before Blizzard stepped in it yet I’d guess they were somewhere else venting about it. Duh.

I think they knew they’d take a financial hit for what they did.

But it’s gonna be a smaller financial hit than if China permanently blocked all Blizzard games.

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