Roles are currently BULL Day 2

We got tanks so complex, that they don’t really play like Tanks: Hammond

We got players who dont give a piece, and will just hog Mercy but only DPS.

We got people…honestly I am tired You seen this all before.

We need Role Q like in the beginning.

This is just impossible to have fun anymore.

When half the players I meet, are worst then the AI bots and not really playing seriously.

But doesn’t matter I should not even be typing cause it’s the holiday. No one who would do anything is likely to read this.


Yeah they gotta do something with their roles a bit. The only real tanks are Reinhardt and Orisa to an certain extent. Then we got bruisers who are Hammond, Winston, Roadhog and while Zarya is a high hp support.


Just go here: Execs should watch if you are.

Frustration is just the norm.

Going to be late to a movie. Peace

Yeah, but that post isn’t relevant to this thread. That’s something else while I empathize it. I think role difference matters a lot here. It opens up a lot of rooms for new heroes to see which category they go too. Heroes of the Storm is doing that so I hope Overwatch follows that.

So not true . I don’t play the game to give you a shield.

You don’t really have to because it’s optional on your choice. The hero just happens to have the ability to do so.

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People who think rein is a walking shield are bad at the game

Monkey is a stronger tank than rein because he is more mobile

Sounds more like a personal problem.
Not my fault, not my problem. Personally I’d suggest taking this game less seriously as a whole, does wonders for your own health and the health of the community.


If you got Wrecking Ball players never taking a hit for their team, never turning on their shields and never drawing fire on them, that’s more of problem with the players, not the character.

It’s sounds like the same issue with Orisa players who often drop barriers at their feet, hide behind their team, and turret all day. Basically, this is an issue of Blizzard NOT creating tutorials on how the characters should be played. I understand Blizzard’s reluctance on telling players how to play, but in reality, this is not telling them, this teaching them in the general direction the characters should. And it is problematic that in a team game, where reliance on team members is crucial that you are frequently paired up with players who have no concept or general idea of what a tank is or what they primarily need to do.

If you’re getting players who play Mercy and will not heal or outright refuse to heal on that character, then report them for Gameplay Sabotage. I would also recommend that Blizzard create tutorials that basically describe what a Tank, Offense and Support role is, but until that happens, any ignorance must be reported as Gameplay Sabotage. Any and all purposefully disruptive play where the players are not doing their assigned jobs should be reported as such.

A role queue, is not going to help the problem. Blizzard creating tutorials and making attempts to encourage teamwork and respectful play through these tutorials will.

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Newfound science has revealed that Role ≠ Bull.

Technically Reinhardt is one of them defensive tanks which is close to pure tank. His purpose is to protect while attack those who comes close by attacking healers.

Winston is an offensive tank which we call Bruiser. They can’t stay still for too long and they have the ability to chase the enemy while the defensive tanks stay behind to protect the team. If a player plays them a different way then that’s that, but their roles remains who they are.

Rein is an awful defensive tank. Monkey is much stronger on defense than rein.

Rein has to be aggressive to get value. Monkey can be aggressive and escape to safety.

Rein is pure brawl. He controls the map by being dangerous within melee range.

Monkey is pure tactics. He controls the map by choosing positive engagements at all times

Rein is best in corridors like kings row or brawl king of the hill like lijang. Monkey is best every where else. Once brig is balanced reins pick rate in masters/GM will plummet

  1. I got Wrecking Balls, actually feeding the enemy team plus dying,

  2. Pretty much

  3. Doing that now, (if I can, but don’t think it’s going to do anything.)

  4. I don’t know if you realize people don’t do tutorials. If this game had PvE on the other hand… but we still need a lot more different types of heroes for something like that, idea that just left my head.

Bonus: Just saw Wreck Ralph 2 - 8/10

You’ll get better and climb. People start getting decent in diamond. Still don’t work together but they can at least play their hero mostly. In diamond it’s mostly just the main tanks who are still bad. There are good reins there but only A few good Winston’s or Orisas.

I’m just talking about class roles / what roster they belong in due to their kit potential. I’m not asking how well they do in the match. You’re reading too much into this.

IM just a main tank player and saying Winston isn’t a main tank is just false. He’s the mainest tank.

I don’t plan of climbing… I see no point.

I still to practice more and heroes I like need to develop more.

With brain dead teammates, makes me miss Sym’s Shield. Honestly if I had Sym’s shield it would be easier to save their $%^&*( if I was still play that kind of role.

But lately playing Sombra more, but I miss what Sym meant. (at least natural game, it was all about the smarts, but when the rework her ult like this… well she became more like Sombra role wise, but Sombra has invisibility so, she should have been more like Mei. They really f$%^&* her up.

I’m just saying teammates do get better around diamond. It’s much more fun than plat.

You know it’s nice, someone else acknowledge that is just Zarya the other non healing Support Hero then a tank.

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You’re not understanding the principles on what I am saying. As I said before I am not talking about how well they perform in a match, but what their kits puts their roles as. Of course this game does not have it, but hopefully in the future because it will create more room for heroes.